Page 63 of Bloodmoon Ritual
“No, Rhyder!” I said. I suddenly felt furious, spittingly angry with him. “I don’t want that. I don’t want your righteousness.”
In the light of the glimmer of weak February sun, his face went white.
“You don’t mean that.”
“I definitely fucking do,” I said, shoving at his arms and trying to knock them aside. “I don’t want to be with you.”
For one fucking second I almost regretted it as I saw the raw pain slicing through his eyes.
“You don’t—you don’t mean that. I know you love me.”
I raised my hand and slapped him across the face. “I wish for fucking once that you’d leave me alone!” I screamed, feeling tears start to my eyes.
“You’re a part of me!” he ground out, his chest heaving up and down, his eyes looking wild and feral. “We’re two halves, twin souls. I love you past fucking madness, Temperance. Your blood is in me and mine is in you.”
“I wish it wasn’t then,” I said, stupidly grabbing for his knife like I was going to cut myself. “I wish I could cut every part of you out of me.”
That did make him angry, knocking the knife away so it clattered on the ground.
“Stop it, Temperance!”
I turned and ran.
He chased. He always chased. He had never, ever, let me go. And I knew he never would.
Was there even any point to running from him?
The dawn broke over the trees and for a moment I was free, slick skin on my belly, hair flying around me, my arms pumping hard, air under my bare toes as I fled down the hill.
Then I tripped on the slick ground and fell, and Rhyder caught me before I even hit the ground.
Like it had always been. My twin behind me, there with overpowering, suffocating protection.
“You will love me,” he said with harsh finality. “You will fucking love menow, sister.”
His mouth hit my sticky neck, his lips closing over my skin as he pushed me to the ground.
“Rhyder, stop! Get off me!” I cried, trying to wiggle away on my belly through the cold wet leaves.
But he yanked up my shirt, holding me easily down with one hand on my back, his big body caging me in, one massive leg on either side of me.
“Rhyder, no!”
But I felt the weight of his heavy legs pressing on mine, then his dick on the cold skin of my ass.
“I want to feel you again,” he grunted in my ear.
I tried to escape away, but of course it was no use.
His cock was between my thighs, his hands yanking up on my hips and then he was guiding the head of his big cock into my sore cunt.
I began to complain and thrash about. The incense had receded, leaving my core unbearably sore and achy.
But Rhyder drove his cock past my sore lips and I felt his sigh on my muddy neck.
How much did Rhyder want from me?
There would be no end to his insatiable hunger.