Page 5 of Johny
But the woman in my arms had been impatient to get in my pants and hey, who was I to stop her. We’d been well on our way to some hot wall sex when a little voice and a hand tugging at my trousers had interrupted.
At first, I hadn’t realised what I was hearing. Eventually the noise had penetrated both my and the woman I’d been about to bang’s sexual haze. The woman’s eyes had narrowed, unwinding her legs that she’d wrapped around me, allowing them to drop back down to the floor until she was standing.
That was the changing moment for me, as I gazed down into beautiful blue eyes framed in dark lashes, flushed cheeks, and small rosebud lips.
I knew right then, I felt it deep in my soul. I fell hard and fast in love with a cherubic looking little girl and not long after that with her mother when she totally derailed my night and had fun doing it.
Once my distraction for the night was gone, my cheek still stinging from the slap she’d delivered. I’d picked up the little girl and cuddled her close and walked to meet the woman and little boy that I knew would be changing my life. For the better, I hoped.
Helping her up off the floor and taking them to my office, where I’d seen the indecision on her face. Assuring her that I was good with her children staying in my office with me while she finished up.
That she trusted me with two of her most precious beings meant a lot to me, even if she was just in the next room.
Settling back in my chair to get more comfortable, Emy tucked securely against my chest, drooling away. Jackson tucked under a blanket on the couch in the corner of my office. I hadn’t missed the suspicious looks he’d given me. It hurt my heart that someone as young as he was already viewed the world in that way.
I’d work on it and show him that not all men were like his father. Oh, yes. I knew all about how his mother had come to work for us via the Crows. Not that Reaper was one for gossiping, but he’d wanted Liam to know some of her backstory.
I knew I’d have my work cut out for me to ensure that she knew she’d always be first in my life. It would be good to do the chasing for a change. It was a challenge I was looking forward to, and I had no doubt in my mind that the lovely Maya was going to make me work for it.
Smiling, I closed my eyes, listening to Maya humming as she went about cleaning. Life just got more interesting. It was about time.
It had been three weeks since I’d messed up Johnny’s night. The man seemed to take it as a challenge or something. I wasn’t sure what he was up to, but it was driving me nuts. While I’d not seen hide nor hair of him, he’d certainly made sure I’d not forget him. Liam had made it a point to tell me that Johnny had been called away on a family emergency to Ireland but that he’d be back as soon as it was sorted.
It had been a strange conversation; Liam, while nice enough, was quiet and only spoke when he had something to say, much the same as Adam. Johnny, it seemed, was a totally different kettle of fish.
Parking my car, I checked the clock on the dashboard, it had just gone past eight in themorning. I’d dropped the children off at nursery and it was time to get my cleaning game on. As usual, I was dressed for comfort in leggings, a long T-shirt, and trainers with my hair up in a high ponytail.
Getting out of the car, I opened up the back door, walked in, and switched the alarm off. I stopped for a second and looked around, wondering what awaited me this morning.
Every morning for the last three weeks, I’d found breakfast in a cooler waiting for me on the bar, along with a thermos of hot coffee and a note from Johnny.
Morning milseán,
Make sure you stop for breakfast.
I hope you have a good day.
Johnny xxx
They varied slightly every day but almost all wished me a good day.
They brightened my day. Not that I’d told anyone that. I cleaned, then sat in his office to have the breakfast he left me before going to the nightclubs to clean them.
For some reason, this morning was different. There was no breakfast smell to greet me assoon as I walked in the back door. The first thing I did was hurry to the bar, but there was no cooler waiting for me. A little surprised by the small stab of hurt and disappointment that filled me. I guess he must have gotten bored; I mean, I hadn’t seen him for weeks.
Blinking back the slight sting of tears, I took a deep breath, pulled my shoulders back, and started my job; taking all my frustrations out on my cleaning, I dusted, wiped, hoovered and mopped until the place was gleaming.
The last room I had to do was his office. Bracing myself for the smell of him that permeated the office even though he’d been gone for weeks. I don’t know what aftershave he wore, but damn, it smelt good.
Opening the door, I came to a sudden stop at the familiar cooler sitting on his desk with a note and thermos next to it, along with a burgundy garment bag that was hanging over the back of a chair.
The relief that hit me had me wondering what was wrong with me. I wasn’t an indecisive person, and I’d long ago made up my mind that men were more work than I had in me to be bothered with, but there was something about Johnny. I’d never felt this way about anyone,including my children’s father. Johnny and I’d hardly spoken other than that first night and then the notes he'd left me. We didn’t even have each other’s telephone numbers, although I’m sure I could have got his if I’d asked either of his brothers. Picking up the note that was leaning against the cooler with my name on it, I started to read.
Morning milseán,