Page 13 of Johny
Resting my forehead against his chest, I smile softly. Happy to know that I wasn’t the only one affected by our kiss.
Feeling him press a gentle kiss to the top of my head, I lift my head from his chest. He presses another kiss to the corner of my mouth before releasing me, “Come on,a ghrá,let’s get out of the office before I forget I’m trying to woo you.”
Laughing at his words, I’m happy to know that I affect him as much as he affects me, “Give me a minute to use your bathroom and I’ll be ready for the next part of the evening.”
Picking up my clutch, I walk into the bathroom at the back of Johnny’s office. Once I’ve freshened up and reapplied my lipstick, I take a good look at myself in the mirror, hardly recognising the woman looking back at me. My cheeks are flushed and my eyes sparkling. I lookhappier than I have in a long time. The little voice in the back of my head is telling me that I need to slow down, but my heart is telling me something different. I know the Crow ladies wouldn’t steer me wrong. Decision made, I’m going with my gut on this one. I’m going to play it by ear and take it one day at a time and I’m going to enjoy every one of those days.
Walking out, I smile at Johnny when he looks at me, concern showing in his gaze but whatever he sees makes him relax. Taking my hand, we walk out of his office and into the main part of The Lounge.
It’s busy, people are sitting in the comfortable chairs and sofas talking and drinking. Some are on the dance floor dancing to the band playing blues. I’ve never been here in the evening, but I can see why it’s so popular.
Johnny walks us up to the bar and seats me on one of the tall stools, standing behind me, encasing me in his arms as one of the bartenders comes up.
“What would you like to drink,milseán?” Johnny asks just as another man in a suit comes up to us at the bar. From the purple tie and waistcoat he wears, I’m assuming he’s one of the staff members, as purple is the signature colour forstaff uniforms.
“Whisky please, on the rocks.”
“Make that two,” Johnny tells the bartender before turning and holding his hand out to the man who walked up. “Zack, let me introduce you to my lady. Maya, this is Zack. He stepped up as manager for me while I’ve been away. Zack, this is Maya.”
Holding my hand out to Zack with a smile. He’s probably in his late twenties, with longish blond hair pulled back in a stubby tail, beard, and brown eyes. “Nice to meet you, Maya,” Zack says, shaking my hand before saying to Johnny, “I’ve reserved a table at the back for you, although I have to warn you that you might be invaded because the Crows said they were coming.”
A grin spreads over Johnny’s face, “I kind of expected them to crash.” He nods towards me, “Maya is one of theirs.”
“Ah,” the confusion on Zack’s face clears. “Makes sense. Anyway, if you want to make your way there, I’ll bring the drinks along shorty.”
Johnny slaps Zack on the shoulder, “Thanks, man, appreciate it. Before I forget, can you come in on Monday, say about three-ish. I know it’s our day off, but I want to run something pastyou?”
Zack nods, “Sure, no problem.”
Johnny helps me off the stool and we walk to the back of the lounge area where it’s slightly more secluded and take a seat on the double sofa, leaving the armchairs and a three-seater open for the Crows when they arrive.
Feeling bad that our evening will be derailed by them, I turn to Johnny, “I’m sorry the Crows are crashing our night. I can call Reaper and tell them not to come.”
Johnny smiles and tucks a bit of my hair behind my ear, “It’s fine,milseán, I kind of expected them to come. There are usually some of them here every Friday night. Unless you don’t want them here, then it’s not an issue for me. I’ve known them a long time, so I know what they are like.”
Reassured by his words, “Okay, I don’t mind either.” Settling back on the sofa, I pull my legs up and curl into Johnny’s chest. His arm comes around me as we relax, listening to music, only moving when a waiter drops off our order of whisky. It’s been one of the best evenings I’ve ever had. We stay like that, not talking, just enjoying good music, good company and goodwhisky.
It’s only when the Crow MC arrive in force that I reluctantly sit and place my feet back on the floor, not that Johnny allows me to go far as his arm slips down to my waist and he pulls me closer into him. It’s a good evening; you can’t help but have fun with the Crows and their Old Ladies. Throw in a bit of dancing and good company, and it’s the perfect combination.
Eventually, though, it’s time to leave. Johnny puts me in the car before going back to the club door, where Zack is waiting to lock up. They have a quick conversation before Johnny leaves him to it and walks back to the car. It’s not long until we are back on the road and driving towards Crow Manor.
Johnny takes my hand, kissing the back. “Did you have a good time tonight?”
“I did, very much so.”
“Good, that makes me happy.”
We don’t say anything else until we’re parked up. “Do you want to get the children, or are you leaving them here?”
“I think I’ll leave them here for the night. They’re already asleep and Emy will be a pain to get back down if she wakes up,” I assure him.
“Okay, let’s get you home then,” he answers, getting out the car and coming around to my side, opening the door and taking my hand to help me out.
We walk slowly back to my cottage. I can’t lie, I don’t want the evening to end. It’s been magical for me.
It doesn’t take long, though, for us to get to my door. Leaning back against it and tilting my head back slightly, I ask hesitantly, “Do you want to come in?”
Johnny threads both his hands into my hair, tilting my head up so I can meet his eyes.