Page 10 of Johny

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Page 10 of Johny

“I met the woman I’m going to marry.”

The silence was deafening. “What the fuck, you’re not marrying that skank you picked up last night,” Liam declared.

“I wholeheartedly agree, brother. It’s not her.”

Liam looked puzzled, “When did you meet this other woman? I know you work fast but not usually this fast.”

Smiling at the memory, I told them about how I met Maya and what she’d done. I then went on to ask my favour of Adam.

“You have to be careful with this one, Johnny, she’s been hurt. Don’t be messing around if you’re not serious,” Adam cautioned.

Frowning at him, I demanded, “Did you not hear me say I’m going to marry her? Now, are you going to help me or not?”

Adam rubbed his hand across his chin as he inspected me, before he sighed and threw up his hands, “Of course I’m going to help. I like Mayaand if it’s her and her children you want, then I’m not going to stand in your way.”

While my plan wasn’t perfect, it would have to do until I could come back and woo her in person. I handed Adam my notes and told him that Maggie would expect him every morning.

I’d done what I could to ensure that Maya would know I was thinking of her. Still fuming that I had to leave just when I’d met her.

As soon as I saw Andy, I made sure he knew just how fucking mad I was with him.

Now that I was finally back home, the first thing I planned to do was go to the Crawan Gym. Carly was bound to be there, and I needed to arrange a babysitter for tomorrow night. Plus, I may as well get the chat with Reaper out of the way at the same time. Maya hadn’t realised it, but she had an entire family at her back now that the Crows had taken her in. And while she might not realise it, I certainly did. I’d kill two birds with one stone. Book Carly and get my arse beat for wanting to take out one of the Crow ladies.

Pushing open the doors to the gym, I straight away spotted Carly at the desk and moseyed on over, waiting patiently while she finished up with her client.

A look of surprise flashed across her face when she found me waiting for her, “Hi, Johnny, what can I help you with?”

No point in beating around the bush, so straight up, I asked, “Do you think you, Bren, and Bella are able to do some babysitting tomorrow night?”

“Um, sure,” Carly picked up a pen and pulled a writing pad towards her, “where and when.”

“Crow Manor, Maya’s cottage and about six, so that it gives her time to get ready.”

Carly’s eyes widened in surprise, then she smiled, “Maya. Really, that’s so awesome and yes, I can absolutely babysit. I’m sure the others will be happy to help, but if not, I can manage Jackson and Emy on my own.”

Letting out a relieved breath, I thanked her. Taking my wallet out, I paid her up front even though she protested that she’d be happy to do it as a favour.

“Thank you for offering, Carly, but I know you could be doing something more fun on a Friday night, and I appreciate that you’ll babysit for me instead.”

Carly threw her head back and laughed, “Johnny, I’m not sure what you think I do on weekendsbut going out isn’t it. More than likely, I’d be at the café with the rest of the Crow crew for an early supper, then a movie and bed. I’m looking forward to spending the night with Jackson and Emy.

“I’m guessing now that you have me sorted as babysitter, you’re going to pull up your big boy shorts and go and speak to Reaper about taking Maya out,” Carly grinned at me. “It’s like running a gauntlet of brothers that she doesn’t even know she has.”

“I know,” I sigh, tapping the top of her desk with my fist, I turn towards the gym. I can see Reaper standing at the ring shouting encouragement to a couple of guys I don’t recognise. Dragon and Rogue are alongside him. “Wish me luck,” I say to Carly as I walk away to the sound of her laughter.

Dragon nods at me when I walk up to them and Rogue gives me a chin lift, “Hey, Johnny, what’s up?”

Stopping next to them, I reply, “I came to speak to Reaper,” I hesitate before continuing, “well, all of you, actually.”

Dragon looks at me curiously, arms folded across his chest. I’d known the Crows since I wasa boy, we were the same age and when Noni had married into our family, it had brought us closer together. I had to admit to myself, though, that I was a little nervous about letting them know that I wanted to take Maya out.

Carly came up next to me and waved at Reaper to get his attention. “I’ve got this,” she waved at the two fighters in the ring. “Johnny wants a word.”

“Thanks,” I muttered at her, making her giggle. “It’s going to be fine,” she assured me.

Reaper walked around the ring, his hand held out to greet me, “Hey, Johnny, what brings you here? I thought you were in Ireland.”

“I was; I got back this morning. Can I speak to you three in the breakroom?”

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