Page 108 of Penalty Shots
"I'm done running from this, Keelan. It's our time. This is our time. So…" she pounds her hand against the sign in her other hand.
I look around the arena. It's full of worried faces, anticipating my answer.
To them, we must look like a whirlwind romance that came out of nowhere. But Rina and I, we're the real deal. And she's right. It didn't happen before because neither of us was ready. But now… this is our moment.
I put my hand up to hers against the glass. "Yes!" I nod enthusiastically. "Of course, I'll marry you, Your Majesty."
Now, the entire arena erupts into cheers. Home team and away team fans alike. It's like a giant roar. And I look up at the screen that says,Give it up for Keelan and Rina Landry!
I turn back to Rina, laughing. "Who's in charge of the screens?"
"What?" she yells back.
"I said… who’s in charge of the—"
The cheers are still going strong. "I can't hear you,” she motions to her ears.
"Never mind, I'll see you after the game!"
"I love you too," she screams back.
"That's not what I—" I give up.
Love you, I mouth to her before skating away and right into a waiting huddle of my teammates, who all pound my helmet with excited congratulations.
Ryker is the last one, and he opens his arms wide for me. And I skate into him, nearly knocking him back.
"You did it, man. You got the girl."
I nod, "I did, didn't I? I got the girl."
He smacks the top of my helmet. "Now, let's win for her. And the entire Puerto Rican community that apparently showed up wearing your jersey today."
I look around and notice that it's true. There are small flags waving from the section where Rina was and cheering my name.
"Hell yeah!" I say, blowing kisses to them all. They cheer even louder and I get ready for the most intense game I've ever played in my entire life—knowing that waiting for me at the end is the woman I love.
And my soon-to-be wife.
Rina runs to me the second I come off the ice and jumps, wrapping her legs around my waist. We kiss. Right there. In front of everyone.
"What was that all about?" I say into her neck as she holds me tight.
"You were right. Things would've been different. And I called McEvoy to read the fine print of my contract."
"It only said I couldn't date a player. It said nothing about marrying one." She hesitates. “And I realize I was a fool forworrying about it. It was just another excuse to run. But I don’t want to run anymore, Keelan. Not away from you. Onlytoyou.”
She smiles with tears in her eyes, and I shake my head at my brilliant and beautiful queen.
"You are incredible," I say, kissing her again.
She slides down my chest and onto her feet. "And you! Are in for one hell of a press conference," she says.
"Of course," I salute her.
She laughs. "Go change. I'll meet you in there." She smacks my butt, and boy, do I like it.