Page 35 of Valkyrie Blade (Valkyrie Bound)
The half dozen in the front hit our Light like a rising tide, plowing into it with vicious snarls. Those snarls turn to screams that echo through the valley as they ignite in a fiery blaze.
The next wave hits too quickly to slow themselves. Just like their friends, they catch fire, burning with screams of pain.
I sway on my feet, fighting desperately to hold on as Light surges through me, humming like an electric current.
"Hold on, Marion!" Abigail cries. "Please, hold on."
I scream as the immensity of the Light scalds me, driving me to my knees in the grass. It's too much, too hot, too wild. My skin feels like it's going to split at the seams, my bones turning to molten lava.
"Marion!" Abigail cries out, her grip on my arm tightening desperately. "Please, hold on! Just a little longer!"
But I barely hear her over the roaring in my ears, the pounding of my heart. The Light is a living thing inside me, writhing and coiling like a snake. It wants release, wants to pour out of me in a blinding flash and incinerate everything in its path.
I grit my teeth until my jaw aches, fighting for control with everything I have. I think of Malachi, of his strong arms around me, of his weight on top of me. I cling to the connection between us, using it like an anchor.
But it's too much. Dear gods, it's too much.
Another wave of varulv burst into flame before me, their howls of pain mingling with the roaring in my ears. And still, more come, and endless tide pouring out of the woods as if they were just waiting for us to show our faces.
I can't do this.
Gods, I can't.
The Light is going to rip me to shreds, burn me from the inside out until there's nothing left but a husk.
Malachi. Please!
His Light blazes into my soul in a fierce rush, anchoring me, pulling me back from the brink. I gasp as it surges into me like a healing wind, my own Light surging in response. I release my hold on it, letting it go before it burns me out, taking Malachi with it.
It pours out of me like boiling water, a single hot blast ripping across the field. Varulv light up and die where they stand, their screams cut short. Those further out keep coming as our Light winks out around us, leaving us gasping.
"Marion!" Abigail cries, dropping to her knees beside me, reaching for me.
"The varulv," I gasp. "Run."
"No. We're not leaving you. Kara, what are you…? Kara!" Abigail screams.
I lift my head, watching in horror as Kara strides toward the monsters charging out of the woods, her hands lifted.
"Stop!" she shouts.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see the portal blaze to life, but my attention is focused on Kara and the varulv. Incredibly, unexpectedly, as soon as she shouts…they stop running. They stop howling. They simply stop. Right where they are.
"Marion!" Malachi roars, the Fae flooding into the valley as the portal yawns open.
Within seconds, we're surrounded by a wall of blazing swords as Malachi, Adriel, and Damrion fall to their knees beside me and Abigail.
"Marion," Malachi breathes, dragging me into his arms. "Gods, Marion."
"Kara," I gasp. "Help Kara."
Malachi lifts his head, looking at the woman holding back an army of darkness with nothing more than a single command. Adriel and Damrion's gaze follow his.
"Sweet merciful…" Adriel's single black eye widens in shock.
"Go," Kara commands, pointing back toward the woods. "Go now."
One by one, the varulv turn, slinking back toward the woods.
"She saved us," I whisper. "I tried to hold them off, but I couldn't hold the Light. But she…she told them to stop, and they did."
"She can communicate with them," Adriel breathes.
Malachi nods, shock painted across his face. "No Valkyrie has communicated across species in millennia. None has ever been able to communicate with the varulv."
"A Valkyrie who can command the varulv," Adriel murmurs. "One who can heal what none ever could. One who Sees more clearly than any ever has. One connected to the dead." His gaze flickers in my direction. "And one who can hold the Light of the sun."
"The Gods didn't just send five Valkyrie to stand against the Dark," Damrion says, looking stricken. "They sent the five most powerful Valkyrie to ever exist."
"Ja," Adriel and Malachi respond.
Chapter Eleven
"How are the defenses holding?" I ask Stephan, stepping up beside him on the porch to look out over Eitr. In the dark, there's little to see, but the weight of war still hangs heavy in the air.
"Solid," he grunts, glancing over at me. "The Forsaken stopped attacking an hour ago."
I arch a brow at him, surprised. "Because of our reinforcements?" As soon as we got the Valkyrie back through the portal, Rissa, Tori, Abigail, and Kara regrouped and tried again. This time, they were successful. Rhistel and the Fae arrived two hours ago, followed by Baelen and his garrison.