Page 34 of Dark Princess: Shadows
Turner nodded. "I can find a few candidates who fit the bill and would be thrilled to fill the position with no questions asked. Ex-special forces. Good men who need some time off to clear their heads."
"Perfect," Kian said. "How soon can you have dossiers on potential candidates?"
Turner tore off a piece of the Danish. "I'll have Brian make some calls and verify a few things. I should have a list for you in three days or so."
"Brian is your assistant, and I know that you trust him, but he can't know what we need these men for."
Turner regarded him with a small smile. "I will tell him only what he needs to know. All I will tell him is that three operatives need to follow a certain trek for a long-term operation."
Kian nodded. "Excellent. Are you going to interview them, or just give us their contact information?"
"That's up to you. I don't mind interviewing them for you." Turner stuffed the piece of Danish in his mouth.
"Thank you. I appreciate your help."
"Of course. I'm always at your service."
As Turner washed down the pastry with his coffee, Kian considered sharing the information about Ell-rom, but he decided to save it for another day.
As Rob stepped into the elevator in the glass pavilion, he gazed at the panel of floor buttons, realizing that he didn't know which level the lab was on. He'd been so eager to meet with William about potential work opportunities that he'd forgotten to stop by the café and ask someone for directions to his lab.
He scanned the panel again, hoping for some clue. Every floor had some symbol next to it, but the only one he recognized was the one for the gym level. He could stop there and ask for directions.
As the elevator descended, his mind drifted to the previous evening, and a smile tugged at his lips as he remembered his time with Gertrude. She'd been so eager to learn how to use the punching bag, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as he'd shown her the proper stance and technique.
"Like this?" she'd asked, throwing a tentative punch at the bag.
Rob had gently corrected her stance, trying to ignore the warmth that spread through him at their proximity. "Almost. Try to rotate your hips more as you punch. It'll give you more power."
She'd nodded, a look of determination crossing her face as she tried again. The bag had barely moved.
"That's okay," Rob had assured her. "It takes practice to build up the strength and technique."
Now, as the elevator doors opened on the gym level, Rob couldn't help but wonder if Gertrude had been holding back. She was an immortal, after all. Surely she was stronger than she'd let on. It was a disconcerting thought that she might have been pretending, letting him play the role of the knowledgeable instructor so he wouldn't be embarrassed when she punched harder than he could. It sent a conflicting wave of emotions through him.
On one hand, it was sweet of her to consider his feelings. On the other, he'd had enough of pretense with Lynda.
He preferred the naked, unadorned truth, no matter how uncomfortable it might be.
As he stepped out of the elevator, the familiar scent of cleaning products filled his nostrils. The gym was busy. Immortals and a few hybrid Kra-ell were scattered across various machines and workout areas. He scanned the room, looking for a familiar face or someone who seemed approachable.
He spotted a guy working with free weights who gave him a friendly smile and decided to ask him. As Rob approached, the man set down his dumbbells and looked up expectantly.
"I'm trying to find William's lab. Would you happen to know which floor his lab is located on?"
The guy nodded. "Of course. William's lab isn't on a specific floor. Not anymore, that is. It has turned into a complex that spans multiple levels. I can take you there if you'd like." He extended his hand. "I'm Randel."
Rob shook it. "I'm Rob."
"I know," Randel said. "You are Margo's brother."
He was surprised at how many people knew his sister, but then she had become a celebrity when she'd been rescued from the cartel boss's yacht and brought to the clan's cruise ship.
Still, how did everyone know that he was her brother?