Page 9 of Baking it Merry
On Saturday, his family was meeting for dinner at his parents’ house.It was something they did once a month, and he always looked forward to it.With the holidays right around the corner, he knew his mother was going to want to discuss all the parties she was planning on hosting and which events she expected everyone to be at.Most of the time, he didn’t mind honoring her requests.The parties were always fun and festive and were a great way for him to network, as well.
This year, however, he just wasn’t feeling the holiday spirit.Of course it all had to do with one project—one proposal—that was taking up far too much space in his head.If he could just stop obsessing about it and simply forget about it until January, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that he’d get through the next six weeks just fine.
“But no, I just can’t let this one little thing go,” he murmured as he pulled up to his parents’ home in Chapel Hill.He’d grown up in this house and it always made him happy to come and visit, especially when his brothers and their families were there too.Tristan was the youngest and the only one who was single.Still, he enjoyed being the fun uncle and spending time with his nieces and nephews when he wasn’t discussing design ideas with his father and brothers.
Or complaining about how the city was messing with his proposals and timelines.
Knowing his mother would sense his foul mood immediately, he forced himself to relax, smile, and focus on an enjoyable family dinner.
Midway through the meal, his parents dropped a bombshell.
“Your grandmother needs to move into an assisted living facility,” his mother began, her voice trembling slightly.“Your father and I need to go and help her pack up the house and get it on the market.”She let out a soft sigh.“It’s going to be a major change for her, and I’m afraid that I’m going to require a lot of help from all of you throughout the holidays.”
Everyone was already offering to help in whatever way they could—Tristan included—but they thought they were offering to assist with their grandmother.
That wasn’t the case.
“I love your enthusiasm and your willingness to help,” she gushed excitedly.“I had already put our party plans in motion, so you’ll all be taking over hosting responsibilities.”
“Um…what?”Tristan asked.“Hosting?”
“Tristan, you live the closest, so there are four parties you’ll need to host.Some of them will need to be at your place,” she added before smiling at his brother, Alan.“Alan, I know you and Suzie always host at least one party, but I’d like to ask if you can handle two more?One of them will be here at the house, and the other will be at the country club.”
“Wait, why does Alan get to host here and the country club while I’m using my house?”Tristan asked in confusion.
“Tristan, sweetheart, they’re going to be coming all the way from Charlotte.It just makes sense.You live locally and your home is lovely.Besides, it’s only two parties at your home.The others will be in your office and your father’s.”
He felt his left eye begin to twitch.
“Tristan,” his father began.“You always have an office Christmas party.Usually your mother handles things, but this year you’ll have to take on a few more responsibilities.You’ll be co-hosting my office party as well.As for the other two parties, one is for our biggest clients…”
“Think of it as an intimate cocktail party,” his mother clarified.
“And the other,” his father went on, “will be for family.It’s actually the first party you’ll be hosting, but it’s really more like a kick off to the holidays.It’ll be fun!”
“Um, yeah.No.I don’t host parties,” he said slowly.“I’ve never been the one to host and now I’m supposed to host four of them?And why do we need a family party?Isn’t that what this is?”
“Oh, sweetie, no,” his mother said, reaching over and patting his hand.“You’re getting upset for no reason.I have all the dates scheduled for you, and no one’s asking you to throw some big, posh event.What I’m thinking is something like a dessert social!”She smiled.“Maybe you could ask the girl you’re dating to be your hostess!”
Girl I’m dating?
“I’m not…” Pausing, he cleared his throat.“I’m not dating anyone at the moment, and if I was, asking her to co-host with me would imply a level of commitment that I wouldn’t be comfortable with.”
But his mother wasn’t listening.“I was talking to Faye yesterday and she mentioned the baker who has that little holiday shop in the lobby of your building.Actually, she was gushing over her!So I told her to set up an appointment for you with…oh, what’s her name…Daphne!Yes, Daphne!Lovely name.Anyway, I believe Faye made arrangements for you to meet with Daphne on Tuesday.”
His head was ready to explode while his mother smiled serenely.
Rather than start an argument, he offered a potential—and different—solution.
“Okay, but…why don’t we just do fewer parties this year?”he asked.“People would understand.We’re a family-run business and there’s a delicate family situation we’re dealing with, so…”
“You worry too much, Tristan,” she said patiently.“And I’ve scaled back on how lavish the parties have to be.That’s why I want you to just do dessert cocktail parties.I think they are a great idea and easy to do, and with this fabulous little bake shop right in the building, it’s very convenient.I’m sure if you just sit down with the owner, she’ll be thrilled to work with you.”
That wasn’t going to happen, but he wasn’t going to get into it right now.Instead, he smiled and nodded as he grabbed his wineglass and drank every last drop.
And then poured himself more.