Page 56 of Baking it Merry
“I don’t know why you don’t just meet them in Chapel Hill.It would save you some time, plus, they’re all going to come back here tonight to unload.”
“I always feel bad about that—like I should be here with them.We’re a team and I don’t want anyone to think that I don’t do my fair share.”
“Oh, sweetie.No one thinks that.If anything, we all agree that you work too hard.”
“Tristan said the same thing,” she murmured.
“Because it’s true.”Walking over, her mother hugged her tightly.“Go home and do what you need to do, and take a few minutes to relax.Your crew will meet you there.We have everything under control here.”
Sighing, she knew it would be alright, but couldn’t help feeling guilty.“Fine, but…if anything changes…”
“Nothing’s going to change.Just go.”Then she gave her a gentle nudge toward the door.“Go.And make sure you eat something that doesn’t have frosting on it.You don’t want to pass out in the middle of the party.”
“I will.Don’t worry.And…thanks, Mom.I love you.”And with another hug, she allowed herself to leave.
When she got home, the first thing she did was make herself a sandwich.All she had was a couple of slices of turkey breast and a lone slice of Swiss cheese, but it was better than nothing.Tristan had mentioned the two of them grabbing dinner afterwards, but that would still be at least six hours from now.
So she grabbed an apple and ate that too.
The shower felt glorious, and Daphne allowed herself a little extra time to primp and get ready.And because she was hopeful, she packed her weekender bag just in case Tristan invited her home with him.
The Mrs.Claus dress was a favorite of hers during the holidays, and tonight she went all out by adding the wide black leather belt, black heels, and big dangly earrings that looked like Christmas ornaments.She also threw the Santa hat in her giant purse to put on when all the employees arrived.
Checking her reflection, she smiled.Going to a Christmas party was always one of her favorite things to do, but going to one where she handled all the food was even better.
“Because I am the queen of baking all the merry things!”With a laugh, she grabbed her coat, purse, and keys and headed out the door.
It was a forty-minute drive to the Knight Architects' office in Chapel Hill, and when she got there, both Mr.and Mrs.Knight were waiting for her along with Judith.While they were all chatting in the lobby, her crew arrived.
“Perfect timing!Now why don’t the three of you relax while my staff and I get everything unloaded?”
“Are you sure, Daphne?”Mr.Knight asked.“It feels wrong to stand back and watch all of you work.”
“You’re sweet, but really, it’s fine.I’m sure there are things you need to do to get ready for everyone.”
Fortunately, he agreed, and within minutes, everything was swiftly moving from the refrigerated van to the office.Daphne stayed inside and directed everyone on where to place everything.Judith was incredibly helpful and seemed to know when to step in and offer a hand and when to step back and let Daphne and her staff do what they needed to do.It took about thirty minutes for everything to be in its place and picture perfect.
“Oh, Daphne!”Mrs.Knight exclaimed.“It’s wonderful!I know I’m not supposed to be here and that’s why I asked Tristan to step in to help, but…I just couldn’t stay away.”
Smiling, she took in the green velvet dress that looked very similar to the one she was wearing.“You look beautiful, Cynthia!And I’m glad you’re here.You’re a big part of the company, and I’m sure the staff would be disappointed if you didn’t make an appearance.”
“Thank you for saying that.”Reaching for Daphne’s hand, she gave it a squeeze.“And thank you for the suggestion about the cookies for my mother.She was a big hit at the assistant living complex and already has some new friends.”Laughing softly, she added, “And she asked me to put in an order for another three dozen cookies if you have time to fit them in.”
She couldn’t help the smile because she truly appreciated any compliments like this.“If you could send me a text message to remind me, I’ll check my calendar and let you know tomorrow.”
“Will do.”With a happy sigh, she squeezed her hand again.“This dress is everything!When you wore it to Tristan’s first party, I thought it was cute—so cute that I went out and found this one just for tonight.They had it in red too, but I didn’t want you to think I was stealing your thunder.And now that you’ve added the belt and the earrings, it is just the best party dress!”
“There’s a hat too,” she whispered.“I wasn’t sure if I should wear it, but…”
“Are you kidding?You must!We have someone coming dressed up as Santa and we have an entire area set up over there in the far corner, like his workshop.He’s going to give out the gifts to everyone—which are just their bonuses done up in pretty gift boxes.Then we’ll have a raffle too.”
“How fun!I love how this is more than just standing around eating and drinking!”Looking around, she spotted Santa’s station.“Is there going to be music too?”
Cynthia nodded.“Not like a DJ or anything, but Judith has a playlist all set and ready to go.”Just then, her smile grew.“And there’s my handsome son—and your handsome boyfriend—coming in!Let’s go greet him together!”
She knew the instant he spotted them.His eyes went a little wide and there wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he quietly groaned.However, he quickly put a smile on his face as he walked over to greet them.After kissing his mother and telling her how lovely she looked, he turned to Daphne and grinned.“I see Mrs.Claus is making another appearance tonight.”
Just to be cheeky, she curtsied.“Yes, she is!And you better watch yourself because Santa’s going to be here too.I may go over and sit on his lap and tell him how good I’ve been this year.”