Page 46 of Baking it Merry
But he didn’t have to like it.
So he read through some emails and looked into a few potential new clients.There was one in particular who really intrigued him.They were looking to build a luxury condo building, but the entire lower level would be retail space for things like a spa, a restaurant, a coffee shop, and a clothing boutique.At least those were what they were hoping for.On top of that, for the residents, they wanted a gym, workspace, common areas, and outdoor living spaces.The project really appealed to him, and ideas were already beginning to come to him.
Going to his drafting table, Tristan began doing some preliminary sketches.
He’d lost track of time, but clearly several hours had gone by because when he looked up, Daphne was knocking on his office door, looking slightly frazzled.Letting out a long breath, he asked, “Are you okay?”
Her ponytail was askew, she had on almost no makeup, and her snowman sweatshirt had…something on it.He felt himself cringe, and her reaction was a hard glare.“It’s been a rough day,” she snapped as she walked toward him.“Everything is up here and basically set up.Faye is fine-tuning everything.”
“What’s on your shirt?”
Her scowl deepened.“There was an incident with a tray of cupcakes.Luckily, I brought extra, so…”
“What kind of incident?”
“It doesn’t matter.The menu is intact and exactly what you ordered.Your staff all looked very excited about everything, so I hope you have a great party.Have a good night.”
When she turned to walk away, Tristan jumped to his feet to stop her.“Wait a minute.”With his hand on her arm, he carefully spun her toward him.“What’s going on?You’re not staying?”
“It’s been a long day,” she said wearily.“I’m really not dressed for a party.I’ve got frosting all over me.And besides, this party is for all your employees.You don’t need me here.”Taking a step back, she gave him a forced smile.“Go and have a nice evening with your staff.I know they all work hard and it’s nice when the boss shows them some appreciation.”Another pause.“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
They had hardly seen each other all week.After he showed up at her house Saturday morning, they spent the entire day and night together.When he left on Sunday, they simply said they’d see each other at work.Unfortunately, he’d had a lot of meetings and all the disappointments he was obsessing about earlier, and by the time he went down to see her in the afternoon, she was gone for the day.They’d texted a bit, but their schedules just weren’t in sync.
It was maddening, and now she wasn’t staying for the party.
Reaching for her hand, he stopped her again.“Stay.Please.It would mean a lot to me.”
Gently, he tugged her close.“I’ve missed you.I know I’ve been busy and you have too, but I was looking forward to you being here tonight.”
“I…I really can’t.I’m a mess.And considering how uncomfortable you were with my Mrs.Claus dress, I’m sure having me hang out here tonight looking like this would freak you out.”
She wasn’t lying, but…
“You can freshen up here,” he told her.“I have the en suite.You can shower and do whatever you need to do.”His arms wrapped around her waist.
“Tristan, don’t!”she cried, pulling away.“You’ll get frosting all over your shirt!”
“I don’t care.That’s how much I want you to stay.”
The look she gave him was full of doubt.“You have extra shirts here, don’t you?”
It wasn’t a question.
“I do, but it doesn’t matter.I’ll deal with the frosting if it proves to you how much I want you here.”
“I don’t know…”
“And what exactly happened with the cupcakes?”The curiosity was killing him.
A huff of annoyance was her initial response.“Ugh…fine.I was carrying the tray of cupcakes in and one of your employees turned the corner and ran into me.He was looking at his phone and didn’t see me, so…” She shrugged.“Faye rushed over to help me and I called down to my mother and had her prepare a replacement tray.Luckily, Faye didn’t mind going down to the lobby and getting them.”
It was his turn to pull back.“And the employee who ran into you?Did he stop and help you clean up?”
“Daphne, you can tell me.If someone who works for me was that disrespectful, then I need to know.”