Page 21 of Baking it Merry
“Well, yeah, but…I’m a little…um…particular about how I like it decorated.”
Which meant he was a control freak.
Rather than say anything, she grabbed another slice for herself.
“That’s it?You’re not going to say anything?”he asked in disbelief.“Come on.I know you’ve got to have some thoughts on that.”
Shaking her head, she took a giant bite of her pizza.
“The fact that you’re eating instead of answering me speaks volumes.”There was amusement in his tone now, thankfully.“It’s okay.I already know what you’re thinking, but I can’t help the fact that I like my tree to look…tasteful.Classy.The thought of everyone just throwing ornaments on it all willy-nilly makes me very uncomfortable.”
Taking a long drink of water, she knew she had to proceed with caution so she didn’t offend him and lose this gig.“Tristan, this is your family, not a group of strangers.You can have your tree up and decorated and just have a set of ornaments—twenty-five of them—that they put on the tree.The next day, if you really cannot handle seeing them there, you take them down.This way you still have your tree your way, but it gives everyone something fun to contribute to the party.”After another sip of water, she suggested, “Or set up a smaller tree just for the sake of the party that they can decorate.”
“I don’t know…”
Doing her best not to lose her patience, she said, “You ask everyone to bring an ornament to put on the tree—your actual tree.Then you only end up with half the amount since I’m guessing most of the people coming are couples.”
“That…could work.”
“But, they could bring really goofy ornaments and your face will get all scrunched up and they’ll know you hate them.By having the ornaments there for everyone to put on the tree, you at least know you’ll like them.”
“I think that’s the safer option because…yeah.Everyone knows how I am, and they’ll definitely make fun of me and bring ridiculous ornaments just to watch me squirm.”
It was on the tip of her tongue to ask why he didn’t just unclench, but she didn’t.
“We can make individual goodie bags as thank you gifts to everyone,” she went on.“I can make up twenty-five bags with, say…three cookies and maybe a candy cane in it.Or we can order some candles from Kaitlyn—she owns the booth next to mine and makes soaps and candles.We can do them up with pretty bows on them and put them in cute gift bags.”
“Why can’t we do both?”he asked.“The cookies in a bag and the candles with a bow.Done.”
That was much easier than she thought it would be.
“Okay!Perfect!And the ornaments?Do you have extras you’ll use, or are you going to order them?”
“I’ll ask Faye to order some.She knows my taste, so I’ll be able to relax.”
That made her laugh softly.“Wow.”
Fortunately, he didn’t take offense.“This is just who I am, Daphne.”
And that said it all.
For another hour, they went over other details, and it wasn’t until she started yawning that she realized she hadn’t really heard anything Tristan said for the last several minutes.
“I’m really sorry, but…”
“It’s okay,” he said softly as he closed his laptop and got to his feet.“I promised I’d be gone by nine and it’s almost that time.”Without a word, he put their dishes in the sink and helped her straighten up.“I really appreciate your willingness to meet with me tonight.”
“Thank you for suggesting it and bringing dinner.”Another yawn.“Sorry.”
Gathering up his things, he slowly walked toward the door.“I will see you in the morning, and if there’s anything else you need to know, don’t hesitate to call or email.”
“I will, Tristan.Have a good night.”
When he stepped out onto the porch, he looked around and frowned again before wishing her a good night.Daphne stood in the doorway until he was in his car—some sort of fancy SUV that looked brand new—and drove away.
Alone, she closed the door and locked it before padding to her bedroom and changing into her pajamas.Overall, it was a very pleasant evening, and it gave her hope that working for Tristan wasn’t going to be as hard as she initially thought it would be.The evening didn’t reveal anything she didn’t already know—like how he was a control freak—but only time would tell if there was more to him than his grumpy attitude and controlling ways.
“But being particular about his Christmas tree is kind of cute,” she murmured as she got ready for bed.“And so is the fact that he’s stressing out because he doesn’t want to let his mother down.”