Page 13 of Baking it Merry
Okay, now she wassupercurious.
“I’m done for the day,” she told him, wiping her hands on her apron.“Everything sold, so I was just going to pack up and head home.Is now a good time for you, or…?”
“Now is fine,” he said with a smile, visibly relaxing.It was a shame he was such a jerk because when he wasn’t frowning or speaking, he was actually quite attractive—dark brown hair, deep blue eyes, scruffy jaw, and when he smiled, she thought she saw a dimple.Most days he dressed in a suit, but today he was more casual in a pair of dark jeans and a cable-knit sweater, very rugged looking.
Ugh…stop it.
“Okay, uh…just let me pack up a few things and I’ll be up.”With a smile, Daphne turned away, but he stopped her.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
That was her first clue that he must be desperate about whatever this catering was.Not only was he asking her to do it, but he was offering to help?This wasn’t the man she had come to know, and it was a little unnerving.
“Thanks, but I just have to put a few things away.Everything else I can carry out to my car after we’re done talking.”Putting her iPad and a few other things into her satchel, she placed them in one of her cabinets before grabbing her phone.Once she was sure everything was secure, she came out to join Tristan.“So…?”
Motioning toward the elevators, Tristan stepped aside and then began to walk beside her.“So…you sold out of everything?I take it that means business is doing well.”
No thanks to you…
“It is,” she replied pleasantly instead.“I think having someplace directly in the building is a nice incentive for people to grab a snack when maybe they either wouldn’t have one or would grab something from a vending machine that they really didn’t want.”Shrugging, she added, “Or ordering something to be delivered.But a lot of the orders are for people taking things home to their families.I get a lot of requests for cookies and cupcakes.”
The elevator arrived and they stepped inside.She almost had a moment of PTSD from their last encounter in one, but immediately let out a long breath to calm herself.
“Are those your specialties?”he asked.
“I wouldn’t say specialty.They’re just the most popular and the easiest to serve and share.”
They rode in silence for several moments before it got awkward for her.
“Can I ask you something?”
Tristan nodded.“Of course.”
“Do you enjoy desserts?”
The look on his face spoke volumes.“Seriously?That’s what you want to know?”
“Well, I also want to know why you would even consider talking to me about catering for you considering how antagonistic you’ve been toward me, but I was trying to gauge if it was me you hated or baked goods.”
His bark of laughter was surprising, and Daphne found herself laughing with him.
“Can anyone really hate baked goods?”he asked with a boyish grin.“I mean…you’d have to be a monster to hate a cupcake!”
“Oh, I fully agree, but your behavior these last few weeks had me leaning toward the monster thing.”
“Fair enough.”The elevator doors slid open and Tristan again motioned for her to step out first.“My office is right this way,” he said when he came up beside her.“As you can see, Faye has a box of something of yours at her desk, and I’m sure if you walked around, you’d see several members of my team enjoying whatever it was you baked today.”
It was crazy how much that pleased her.
In the far back corner was Tristan’s office and, as much as she hated to admit it, it was kind of spectacular.Part of her expected it to be fairly basic, with bookshelves, a desk, and bland colors.But as she stepped inside, she found a stylish and inviting space that was divided into three open areas—a seating area with a sofa, two large chairs, and a living wall, Tristan’s massive desk with another set of chairs in front of it, and his workspace with a massive computer screen and drafting table.The entire back wall was glass and overlooked downtown Raleigh, and she couldn’t help but admire the view.
Stepping next to her, he said, “It’s an amazing view.I find myself studying the skyline when I need inspiration.”
“I can see why.I don’t think I’ve ever seen the city from this height before.”But as she moved closer to the window, Daphne remembered why she’d never done it before.
Fear of heights.