Page 36 of Graveyard Dog
“She can’t hurt her even if she wanted to.”
The nurse scooped a sleepy Emma into her arms, turned, and handed her to Izzy. “Here she is. I brought her back to you safe and sound.”
Michael could see the guilt on Izzy’s face when she took Emma from her and replied, “Yes, you did, Camilla. Thank you. That will be all.”
The woman beamed at her accomplishment. The bruised left side of her face made her smile lopsided, and her visible eye glistened with tears.
Emma stirred in Izzy’s arms. “Mommy?”
Figuring Camilla had accomplished her mission, Michael took Emma out of Izzy’s arms and tucked her back into her bed with the doc’s help.
Izzy put a hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Camilla, I am so sorry. I never would have ordered you to…if I had known. I am so sorry.”
Camilla shook her head. “It was my fault. I couldn’t stop him.”
“No, you tried. I will be forever grateful.”
Carson stepped into the room and asked the poor girl, “Do you remember what he looked like?”
Camilla shook her head but kept her attention locked on Michael for some reason, her gaze so intent that he started to feel uncomfortable. “He was older. Sandy hair.”
Michael stepped to Izzy’s side. “What is this? Why is she here?”
“This is what I was talking about earlier. This is what happens if a target cannot fulfill my orders.” She bit down, her small hands curling into fists. “If unable to finish their mission, the target will slowly go insane, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
“You can’t change your orders?” Donovan asked. He’d snuck in, too, right behind Carson.
She shook her head. “Not once I’ve given a command. That specific command must be completed. No exceptions.” She scrubbed her forehead. “That’s why I rarely use my ability. It’s simply too dangerous. One wrong word, one wrong syllable, and I can ruin someone’s life.”
If his fascinated expression was any indication, Donovan seemed to see her in a new light.
A male voice came from the doorway. “What’s going on?”
Michael turned to see Eric standing there, watching the scene unfold. “Eric, you made it.”
“Of course. Just got in from Idaho. I brought a friend for you guys to meet, but maybe we should hold off on introductions until we can get that woman some medical attention.”
“I’m on it,” Doc said, walking around the bed to check Camilla’s pupils. “We should probably get her back to the hospital. Like now.”
The woman started to sway. Michael caught her in his arms and sat her on the bed.
“Will you marry me?” she asked him.
“Not today, love.”
Her shoulders slumped in disappointment as Eric chuckled. He turned to Izzy. “Always the ladies’ man, that one. I’m Eric.”
“I’m Izzy.” They shook hands, and he pointed behind her.
Izzy turned, and Michael glimpsed a thin blonde, beautiful with ghostlike features.
“That’s Halle,” Eric said, the pride on his face unmistakable.
“Nice to meet you,” Izzy said. She took the woman’s hand. “Izzy.”
Michael could tell Izzy’s comfort level was reaching an all-time low. So many people, so little space. “How about we go to the living room while we wait?”
“The ambulance is on the way,” Carson said. “Is it okay for her to leave now?” she asked Izzy.