Page 51 of One of Six
"Slow down, baby."
"I knew it, Essex! I knew what he was like, but I never expected that back there." I point. "In fact, I'm not even sure what that was."
Essex grabs my hands and pulls me to him. "That was Trixie and Dolly laying claim to my idiot brother because they saw how close he was sitting to Violet."
"Let's go back. Give Galen some time with Violet. He's nicer than Ridge." I notice the frown on Essex's face. "Ridge isn't going to change. He hurt Violet today. Not on purpose, but it happened. He should have been more sensitive. And now Violet needs someone who understands her pain, and that is Galen."
"You're right." With an arm around my shoulders, Essex leads me back to Daisy’s. All eyes are on us, and I notice Ridge looking behind me. He doesn't look so happy, and it's his own damn fault.
"That was uncool," Essex sits down next to me again.
"I'm sorry, Bea," Ridge winces and finally looks embarrassed. "Where did Violet go?"
"I have no idea," I reply, trying to hide my annoyance. "Galen will take care of her." I shrug. "I know she has no claim on you, but after being with her all morning, I expected better from you."
Ridge grunts and drops his head in his hands. "I'll go find her. Apologize."
"No!" we all snap.
"She was really upset, Ridge. Leave her alone. Besides, she'sjailbait, remember?" I pick at the potato chips next to my sandwich, ignoring the rest of the conversation.
Galen and Ridge are twins, but Galen is the one I want for my friend. Maybe she'll see he's the better choice.
As I walktoward the boat where Galen and Violet are, I feel loved wrapped in Essex's arms. "Today was amazing." I confess. "I enjoy being here more than you know."
"I'd keep you here forever if I could."
I smile at his words. We are both young. I know that. But I feel in my head and in my heart that I'm meant to be with this man.
The buzzing of my phone interrupts the beautiful solitude. I pull my phone out of my pocket and frown when I don't recognize the number. I answer it anyway.
"Have I got the right number for Beatrice Lincoln?"
"You do. Who is this?" I turn and catch Essex's eye. I shrug, wondering what's going on.
"My name is AJ Hitchcock, attorney. My office is in Columbus, Georgia."
"Um, okay. What do you want with me?"
"First, I want to say that I am terribly sorry for the loss of your mother. She loved you very much." He clears his throat and continues, "I'm here to help you with the legal affairs of her estate."
Tears begin to trickle from my eyes and Essex looks at me sympathetically, his fingers brushing them away.
"So, Beatrice... may I call you Beatrice?"
"Yes, that's fine."
Essex rolls his eyes and kisses my cheek.
"Mr. Hitchcock,” I catch Essex’s eyes at the name, “can you please tell me why you are calling me and not my...father?" I hate to use that name for him now.
"Well, that would be because I have been instructed by Elisabeth to speak only to you. You are her sole beneficiary."
My mouth falls open. "Oh!"
"I just wanted to check in with you today, but I will see you tomorrow after the funeral." The phone goes dead.