Page 35 of One of Six
After breakfastI'm on my own, which suits me just fine. Evelyn has gone grocery shopping, so I go into my bedroom.
I sit down at my desk and open my phone. I'm interested in the notes I found on Mom's phone. It takes me a while to figure out where they went on my phone because I have no idea what I'm doing.
I take a deep breath as I click on the contact’s page. "What the hell!" Edwin Carter, FBI, is listed with an email address and phone number. I shake my head and move on to the next note. Here are eight names: Steven Gibbs, Robert Tate, George Wilcox, Roscoe Dale, Peter Frederick, Vince Foyle, Deedee Boyle, and Joshua Redd.
I stare at the names in shock. Joshua died four years ago. Why would Essex’s father be on this list? What about the others? And why would Mom keep this list? This is awful.
I open the lid of my laptop and click on the browser. I type the first name into the search box and click the search button.
Steven Gibbs disappeared thirteen years ago. Robert Tate, twelve years ago. George Wilcox and Roscoe Dale, eight years ago. Peter Frederick looks familiar, but I can't place him. I chase his name a little longer until I find him. A former employee of Lincoln Construction. He disappeared seven years ago. Vince Foyle also went missing seven years ago. Deedee Boyle was six months pregnant when her body was found five days after she disappeared, four years ago.
Joshua died four years ago. I'm not looking for him because I'm waiting for Essex to tell me about him.
What does it all mean? Six disappearances and two deaths have to be connected somehow. Did Mom put them together, or did her FBI contact give her the names?
My hands tremble as I navigate to my home screen and clear my history for the day.
The next item is a shopping list, which is unusual because Mom never uses this phone daily.
The door downstairs slams shut, startling me. I turn off my laptop and put my phone in my pocket before heading downstairs.
To my horror, it’s Judge. He is equally surprised to see me.
"Why are you here?" he demands.
I frown. "I live here."
He purses his lips. "Where is your father?"
"Richard said he had some paperwork to sign at the office. You should call him and ask when he'll be home."
Before he can answer harshly, a car speeds up the driveway, distracting him.
"Sounds like he's back. I'll leave you to it." I run back upstairs, grab Mom's phone, and tuck it into a sock. I dig around in my desk and find a small plastic bag. I put the phone and sock in it before grabbing a pair of black slipper socks. I repeat the process.
I toss them in the laundry hamper and carry them down the back stairs to the laundry room.
I tuck the package with the phone into my shirt and quietly slip out the back door. I walk across the lawn to the back of the house when I really want to run. I cannot look suspicious. When I reach the tree line, I turn and look behind me; I'm completely hidden from the house. I move in the opposite direction from my favorite spot. I hide the phone in a crack in an oak tree. It should be safe there.
My chest hurts at the thought of going to Essex. I can trust him, but I'm afraid Richard will find out and hurt him. Richard and Judge would not think twice.
I look across the river and decide to take my chances. I won't tell him everything, but I can go to him. Ask him to hold me until I've calmed down after what I've discovered.
Before I can change my mind, I find a way to cross. My feet and lower legs will get wet, but it will be worth it. I take off my shoes, though. "Ah!" I sigh. The sound of running water is pleasant. I just hope there's nothing disgusting in here with me. I carefully walk across and then put my shoes back on.
I'm smiling because I made it. I'm in Den Hollows.
As I walk into the trees, I enjoy the sunlight on my face as I take a step beyond the edge of the road.
As I walk toward the ocean, the dirt road is peaceful. A field I pass is full of wildflowers. They are vibrant and sway in the warm but gentle breeze.
I continue until a motorcycle rumbles louder. My gaze shifts to the road behind me, where I see the black and silver motorcycle come to a stop.
He takes off his helmet and grins.
I laugh. "Hello, Nico."