Page 23 of One of Six
"Beatrice!" Uncle David says. "Are you okay?”
“What the hell happened, girl?” Judge snarls.
My throat is dry, but my hands are sweating. "I fell off the end of the jetty at the club. I can't swim, so in my panic I must have drifted away from where I hit the water.
"Someone rescued me, but I passed out. I woke up on Mr. Gleeson's boat. I remember a man and a woman. Tourists. But that's it."
I look at Dad. "Can we go home, please? It's been a terrible night."
"Yes. Come on. Your mother is waiting." I'm so shocked that Dad has agreed to leave that it takes me a moment to accept it.
"Wait!" Judge steps forward. "The Redd boat was spotted in the area."
My heart sinks, but I keep my face neutral. "What does that have to do with me?"
He narrows his eyes and takes a step toward me. I hide behind my father.
"It can wait." Dad shoots me a glare over his shoulder. "Get in the car."
I scramble into the front seat of his SUV and wait. Dad says something to Judge and then steps forward. I look at Mr. Gleeson's boat and hope they believe my story, but I desperately hope they don't spot Evelyn. In hindsight, she should have stayed in Den Hollows, where she would have been safe. I wish I'd stayed too.
"Look me in the eye, Beatrice, and tell me that what you said is the truth."
Nerves twitch in my gut as I do as he asks. "The only thing I didn't want to say in front of the others is that Jason hit me and that's how I fell in."
His eyes widen in surprise and then his eyebrows furrow. "Why did he hit you?" Finally, he starts the engine.
"He expected me to get down on my knees for him. I told him I wasn't that kind of girl. He didn't like that, so he hit me. It hurt a lot because it was the same place you hit me.”
Shut up, Bea!
"You expect me to believe that nonsense?" His hand tightens on the wheel.
"I have no reason to lie, especially about something like that." I should add that it was Mom who suggested it to him, but then Dad would hit her.
As we pull into the driveway, Dad stops in front. "Get out. Tell your mother I'll be home late."
I scramble out of the car and the second my feet hit the ground; he takes off. I jump, wondering if he's going after Jason.
Mom greets me as I enter the house, her eyes searching me. "Are you okay?"
"I'll live." I blink. "Tonight, could have been avoided if you hadn't told Jason what you had,” I accuse.
Her complexion pales as she sits down in the living room. "What exactly do you mean?"
By the time I'm done telling her exactly how I ended up in the water, her face has lost all color.
"I told Dad the truth, but I left out the part you played in it. I have a feeling he's going to find out the truth since I assume he's gone after Jason for answers...I need a shower."
Without waiting for an answer, I turn and head upstairs. Once I'm behind the locked bedroom door, I drop to the bed and take off my sandals. It feels good to have them off my feet.
In the bathroom I take off my dress and bra and drop them in the hamper. The shower is nice and welcoming after tonight. The water runs over my skin as I remember the way Essex had looked at me.
It may have been Nico who first called me Mermaid Girl, but it was the way Essex said it that made my body come alive. The man has no idea what he has done to me. What he makes me feel. The sensations in my body are new and delicious. I wonder if he took my panties with him. Either they fell overboard, or he has them. I certainly won't be asking him for them anytime soon.
While I shampoo my long hair, I tell myself that I will see the Redds again. There is no way I will not. It makes me nervous because Atilio wants me for himself, and while I like him and the way he feels close to me, there's something about Essex that I can't deny.
They had accepted me, though, which was nice. Their mother, Maggie, had been suspicious when she'd looked between me and her son, Atilio. Considering who my family is, I do not blame her. I’m sure Maggie likes me though.