Page 11 of One of Six
"Beatrice, we live in the South. It's always humid." To Evelyn, "I've finished with breakfast. Thank you. It was lovely as usual." At least my mother has some manners.
"Yes, Mrs. Lincoln." I watch Evelyn head to clean up.
"Let us go into the front room and talk." Mother waits for me to go ahead of her. No doubt it's so I don't run off again.
I slump on the sofa until I notice my mother's frown, so I straighten. "That's better." She sighs. "Oh, Beatrice, I do wish you'd do as you are told. Yesterday could have been avoided if you had."
"Mom, he left me in a hot car."
"Do stop going on about it. Let us move forward." She smiles and becomes animated. "Jason is looking forward to tonight. His mother called and said he was taking you for dinner at the country club. There will be dancing afterwards."
"I'm eighteen, Mom, not your age."
"Beatrice Alexandria Lincoln, you will not talk back to me!”
"Yes, Ma'am."
"There is no age limit where dancing is concerned. It will be fun. Your father wants this date to go well, so do not disappoint him. Jason would be a lovely addition to the family."
I watch my mother and notice the splotches of color on her cheeks. Does she have the hots for Jason? No way!
I clear my throat in an attempt not to laugh. "So, Jason, isn't he too old for me?"
"Your father thinks he is perfect to look after you… in every way."
I scrunch up my face.
"Stop being immature. It's how life goes on."
I don't admit that I would love to go on a date with a Redd brother. That is a pipe dream.
"What should I wear?"
"I've been thinking about this, and the new mint colored dress goes lovely with your hair coloring. It shows your figure as well. Wear the high heeled sandals we purchased with the dress. They make your legs look delightful."
"I'm not having sex with him," I blurt.
Mom looks appalled. "Of course you are not! Good gracious, Beatrice, what has gotten into you lately?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to be clear on the subject."
"Let us be very clear then. Under no circumstances do you let him touch you between the waist and knees." She gives me a look. "You keep your knees together."
My eyes fly wide. "Mama!" I'm really embarrassed and wish I’d kept my mouth shut.
"I am serious. No sex." She clears her throat. "Unless, of course, you want to do what you suggested this morning, so he knows what he's getting."
Shocked she would say that I tell her, "That will not be happening either."
"Beatrice, this is a good opportunity to find yourself a handsome husband who has a good job and comes from a distinguished family. Do not screw it up." She gets to her feet as though she hasn't just suggested I give Jason a blowjob, and she ushers me from the room.
"The hairdressers," she tells me, holding up a hand. "They will only trim your hair."
"I don't trust you." I eye her carefully.
"I promise. What you said has merit. You keep the length." I am astounded that my mother has consented to my hair being kept.
At least momis driving us in her white Mercedes. The air conditioning is wonderful. We arrive a few minutes later and quickly make our way inside.