Page 5 of His to Touch
“I’ll see what I can do. Be right back.”
“You do that,” Ryland tacks on, and now I really need to get their order in. I also need to take a deep breath and re-center myself before I do something crazy like admit my feelings toward him. Yeah, nope, that can’t happen. Not yet at least. Not while Shane is still taking up entirely too much headspace.
“Ryland.” I’m standing outside of the diner well after it closed for the evening. There was a temptation to hang around once dinner and dessert was done. Sutton took her fifteen-minute break to enjoy the hazelnut cheesecake my sister-in-law Maeve makes. I filed that away for a later date. The way she operates Whisked Away, it could be a while until Sutton’s favorite flavored dessert is put back in rotation.
We paid the bill, Case gave Sutton a hug, which meant he was in her arms, and my boy helped her count the change. A tightening in my chest formed, making me stop to think about keeping her at arm’s length. Then I shook my head, got my shit together, and we headed back to the ranch. Of course, Case insisted we stop by the main ranch to show off his suspenders. One thing led to another, and he told my parents that we went to the diner, had dessert with‘His Sutty’.The conversation shifted, and Dad kept Case preoccupied while Mom sidled up next to me.
The scheming began. She suggested Case spend the night with them or they could take him home to get ready for bed and one of them would stay with him. Apparently, Mom did her own sort of recon and found out the size of Sutton’s shoes. A quick trip to the nearest mall outside of town, and Mom loaded up. Shegave me a bagful of shoes, clothes, and even threw in a couple of scarves, beanies, and gloves. Then came the ‘you should go back into town and give her a ride home.’ I had a seed already planted about doing exactly that, especially with the way the weather is turning. I’d be surprised if a freeze doesn’t take hold tonight.
“Sutton.” She looks dead on her feet, ready to collapse. It’s clear I made the right choice. The drive isn’t too bad, but when you’re back and forth between the ranch and town, it’s a damn bitch along with work. Thankfully, Mom and Dad help out more than they ever should. Plus, whichever brother or sister-in-law is available or in town will pick up or drop Case off, depending on the hour of the day.
“What are you doing here?” She stands on the tips of her toes, looking at the interior of my truck. Instead of asking if I have Case, she’s scoping it out herself.
“Giving you a ride home.” I move away from my truck, taking my time as I walk closer to Sutton. She drops flat on her feet. “Case is at home, hopefully fast asleep. Can’t imagine he’s not tuckered out from the day and crashing from the sugar rush.” What seems like relief makes her shoulders sag. I’m not sure what that’s all about. Maybe she didn’t want Case to see her so tired. Maybe she’s worried he'll be too tired at school tomorrow if he were with me. Maybe there’s another reason, but calming down her nerves is easier said than done.
“Oh, that’s good. I mean, not the sugar rush, but him sleeping,” Sutton replies, staying put, and while my hands literally ache to reach out and touch her, she’s giving out don’t-touch-me vibes.
“Not worried about him having a sweet tooth, babe. I’d be more worried if he didn’t. You’ve seen the food my family packs away in the dessert department. Hell, Maeve keeps the main house stocked as well as help the places in Arrowleaf.” Sutton sways closer to me. I’m not sure if that’s voluntary or not. Couldbe she likes the heat my body is giving off, could be she’s so damn tired that standing up is a damn chore.
“That’s very true.” A small smile appears on her face, soft and somewhat hesitant, but still, it’s nice to see her face light up a bit.
“Ready to head home?” I ask her. Last time I found her walking on the street, it took a few minutes to cajole her into the truck. I’m hoping tonight won’t be one of those times, especially with the temperatures dropping rapidly. I don’t even want to think about the old house Ms. Taylor handed down to her. The place doesn’t look like it’s been updated in the past twenty years. I can’t imagine what it takes to keep the small place; not like I can go inside and look, either. Fucking Shane Sullivan.
“I’m too tired to argue.” Sutton lets her guard down. Fucking finally. My hand slides to her lower back, unable to refrain any longer. The layers of clothes are the only thing holding me back from feeling more of her.
“You won’t hear me complaining.” I guide her toward the passenger side of the truck. The heat is blasting inside; I kept my vehicle idling outside the diner. I had high hopes this wouldn’t take long, and given my truck is a diesel, leaving it on wouldn’t be a problem. It’s not like Arrowleaf is full of crime. You can just about leave your keys in your car, do whatever you need, come back, and your car will still be there. Not to mention, hardly anyone locks their doors at home. I sure hope to hell Sutton does, though.
“Okay, big guy,” she mutters beneath her breath. I shake my head, grab the handle, and open the door for her. I don’t let her go until she’s firmly in her seat, and even then, I’m grabbing the seatbelt, hold it out for her, and wait as she takes it from me. There’s no goddamn way I’ll lock it in place. The lure of touching her body in any way, shape, or form is already too damn strong. I can’t trust myself when I’m close to her, too close. Yeah, nodoubt I wouldn’t be able to hold back from kissing her pretty lips.
“You good?” I ask, waiting for her to get situated.
“Yeah, Ryland. I am. I’m really good.” My eyes are locked on her, watching as she wets her lips, tongue sliding out, and I have to hold back a groan.
“Let’s get you home.” A slight nod is all she gives me. I back away, shut the door, and make my way around the front of the truck. I’ve got to figure out a way to convince Sutton to accept the massive bag of goodies Mom put me in charge of tonight. I don’t think she realizes just how stubborn the woman in the cab of my truck is. It’s a good thing I’m up for a challenge.
The only problem I can see is if Shane happens to be home. The last time I gave her a ride home, she was hesitant. I half expected her to ask me to drop her off a street away, if not a few houses down from hers. I wouldn’t have done it. I’ve got a feeling there’s more to her husband than meets the eye, and not in a good way. I mean, what kind of man calls himself a man without a job? I’m not talking about a man being down on his luck, got laid off, and is trying to find work. Shane hasn’t worked since the moment he shacked up with Sutton, and as far as I can tell, she’s doing all the damn work for the sorry piece of shit.
“Thank you.” I’m barely in my seat, the door is shut, and that’s about it when Sutton says those two words.
“It’s not much to give you a ride home, babe.” I take care of my seatbelt, then one hand goes to the wheel, the other shifts us intoReverse, and while my eyes need to be behind me, it’s hard to keep them off Sutton.
“You and I both know it’s more than that.” She ducks her head, fingers going to her hair, tucking the tendrils behind her ear.
“I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t want to.” She still doesn’t give me her eyes. There’s no need to fill the air with useless conversation,and she clearly needs a moment. We navigate down the road in silence; the radio isn’t even on. When Case is in the truck, he’s usually talking about this and that or he’s singing at the top of his lungs. When I get a chance to ride in complete peace, I don’t even bother with anything else. It’s my time. There’s no answering calls or changing the channel; it’s me and the road noise. I flip my signal to turn, taking us away from the downtown square and heading into the small neighborhood Sutton resides in. We’re a street away when I look over at her. Her shoulders are up to her damn ears. It’s only when I pull onto her street that she relaxes. Looks like Shane isn’t home tonight. Why he has a vehicle and Sutton doesn’t is another fucking phenomenon.
“Sit tight,” I tell her after I park in the driveway. She’s still quiet, which means life is going to suck for me when I try to give her the goods from Mom. That’ll be too damn bad. I’ll walk the shit inside her house if it means she has what she needs.
“Ryland,” she says.
“Come on, I’ll walk you up. Mom has some stuff for you.” I may as well let the cat out of the bag. I’m prepared for her to come up with a million and one excuses as to why she won’t take it, but instead, Sutton does the opposite.
“Okay.” I hold my hand out for her to take, and once she’s on solid ground, I grab her stuff from the back. I warned Mom to pair it down, not go overboard, and to make it fit into one bag. Well, Catherine Johnson does what Catherine Johnson wants. The bag is canvas style, massive and filled to the brim.
When a high-pitched noise comes from Sutton, my head spins on a swivel worried something spooked her.