Page 23 of His to Touch
“My Case!” Sutton announces when we walk into the diner after school. It’s been two weeks since Shane was arrested outside her house. The charges stuck like glue. He also lost his bail and is sitting in the county jail until his case goes to trial. Next month can’t come soon enough. It’ll be one less thing for Sutton to worry about, and we can put that chapter of her life to rest.
“My Sutty!” Case runs his way through the diner. She squats down, arms out, and picks him up the second he smacks into her. I worry about his strength and him knocking her down one day, but for now, she’s fine. When he gets older, that’ll be a different story entirely. I meander my way through the crowd, saying my hellos, tipping my head, and come up on the break in the diner bar.
“Babe.” My hand moves toward her, guiding her to a standing position, then I wrap my arms around her waist. My lips land on hers, and I get the smallest taste of her before my son’s attention turns to us.
“No kissy, kissy,” Case tells us. This is his new deal. Anytime I kiss her, he makes a game of trying to push us apart, and when we pull him closer to us, Case wraps his arms around Sutton and me, hugging us tightly.
“Did you have a good day at school?” Sutton asks Case.
“Yesssss,” he drawls out thesat the end.
Sutton takes Case to school each morning when she’s scheduled at Down Home Diner. I’ve managed to get her to only work part-time because we worked as fast as possible on her house, got it all fixed up, and she’s making money from renting it out.
“Do you want your usual or something different?” she asks Case.
“French fries and pie!” I take Case out of her arms.
“Alright, what about you?” Sutton asks me.
“That depends. I can cook dinner if you’re tired, or we can have an early dinner and a bowl of cereal later on.” Her eyes light up, and I already know that means food here. She’ll go home, shower, relax, work on her schoolwork for an hour or so while Case does something right along with her, and then we’ll turn on a movie to unwind while we have either a bowl of cereal, a grilled cheese, or Case’s personal favorite of dessert.
“The special?” I nod. Sutton moves closer, and I dip my head. “I’m going to order Case chicken but put it on my plate.” She’s figured out another way to get food into Case that doesn’t consist of a carbohydrate or a vat of sugar. Sutton will hide vegetables in dinner or pretending it’s hers, making it look good, and then he’ll sneak bites here or there until he’s finished.
“Sounds good to me, babe. We’ll be in our usual spot.” Case kicks his feet, and I set him down.
“Uncle Tree!” The diner bell rings, I look up, and sure enough, Trey and Sienna walk through the door along with Amos and his wife, Genevieve.
“What’s up, Case? You causing havoc and flirting with the ladies?” He wraps his arms around Trey’s legs.
“I’m getting pie.” Case moves back to me just as fast as he left. The long diner bar is pretty empty since it’s early in the afternoon.
“Me too, Case, me too,” Sienna says, her eyes checking out the display case, looking at what Maeve delivered today.
“How’s it going, Amos?” I ask. Genevieve sidles in closer. I nod my head in her direction. It takes her awhile to warm up, and I’m not one to push.
“Good. Same shit, different day,” he responds. We all take our seats, and Sutton grabs a pile of mugs with one hand and the pot with the other then goes down the line. We guys go after the coffee while the women order their drinks, and Sutton grabs chocolate milk for Case.
Amos spins around in his seat when he hears the bell and says, “Look what that cat dragged in.”
“Wow, I think he’s taking you up on visiting us, honey,” Genevieve notes.
“I’d say so. Didn’t think he would,” Amos mutters, keeping me in the dark.
“That’s Clay. We bought the bison from him. He shut down the farm since, decided to pick up and move somewhere else,” Trey tells me after a beat.
“Gotcha,” I reply. Case starts wiggling in his seat when he sees Sutton bring his food along with ours. The others will have to wait a minute. I’ll be damned if my woman’s food gets cold because my family decided to come in at the tail end of her shift.
“Damn, maybe I should have bought a patch of land here in Arrowleaf,” Clay says, looking from Sienna to Sutton, his gaze lingering on Sutton. I growl beneath my breath, not caring if this fucker has some kind of friendship with my brother. “Do you have a sister? I already know Sienna and Genevieve don’t.”
“Clay, you about lost your front teeth. Ryland doesn’t share, so keep your eyes to yourself,” Trey warns before I get a word in edgewise.
“Nope, only child, and I’m taken,” Sutton responds to his question.
“Figures. Between Amos and the Johnson Brothers, they probably got the last prettiest women in all of the nation.” Clay takes his seat.