Page 12 of His to Touch
“Your body needs to heal without putting more strain on it. Work needs to be taken off the table until you’re seen again in a few weeks.”
“Alright, I think I should be okay financially. What about school? Most of it’s online, but I do need to go in a couple of days a week.” I look from Sutton to Mom, having no idea she’s been working at the diner as much as she has and going to school. Jesus, Sutton Rawlins has been doing it all, and doing it alone.
“The first week, I want you to limit screen time on any and all devices.” Sutton goes to interrupt, but I gently squeeze her hand, and the doctor continues, “At least for the first week to make sure you’re not having any issues, then the second week schoolwork only.”
“Alright, I can do that.” That’s my girl, taking care of herself first in order to heal.
“Good, now I have a couple of more questions. Would you like to talk alone? I can ask them to step outside the room for a moment.” I grunt, not wanting to take my eyes off Sutton for a single second, let alone a whole minute.
“Ryland,” Mom says, clearing her throat as she does.
“It’s okay, you two can stay. I mean, you’ve seen me at my worst already. I don’t think it can get any worse,” Sutton says tiredly.
“As long as you’re sure.” I put my wants second. I’ll do whatever the hell she needs.
“I am.” Her eyes move from mine to Mom’s and then to the doctor’s.
“Okay, there’s no easy way to ask this. Were you sexually assaulted today or any time previously?” You can hear a pin drop in the quiet hospital room. I remain still, holding my breath, worried about Sutton for an entirely different reason in this very moment.
“No, never. This was his first time he ever put his hands on me. Usually, Shane kept it to verbally abusing me.” Her eyes don’t look at anyone except down on herself. I badly want to tip her chin upward. She’s a beautiful woman and never should have been dealt the deck of cards that’s Shane Sullivan.
“Alright, I’m going to leave you with outreach programs in case you need to talk to someone.” Doctor Reynolds nods, making notes in his charts, and then proceeds to say, “I’d like you stay overnight. That being said, I don’t think it’s a necessity as long as you’re staying with someone who can monitor you.” Sutton doesn’t have health insurance, and I know this is going to be a hit to her already dwindling bank account since she can’t work.
“She’s staying with me,” I state before Mom can weasel her way into the conversation and offer up her place. It wouldn’t work at the main house. There are too many people comingand going. She’d never get a lick of rest. Sleeping on the couch wouldn’t help her either. The only bedroom on the main floor is my parents’, and as much as Dad loves Sutton, he’s not going to give his bed up.
“Ryland Johnson,” Mom interjects.
“What about Case? He can’t see me like this, Ry.” Sutton’s voice carries through the room with her soft tone.
“Babe, Case isn’t going to care as long as hisSuttyis okay. The bruises and splint aren’t going to scare him away. I’ve got a spare room. The main house would be hard as hell on your body, and it’s Grand Central Station during the day.” Mom rolls her lips inward, knowing I’m right. She can come and go from my place just as easily when I’ve got to do chores on the ranch.
“He’s right, as much as I hate to admit it. The main house has more booted feet mucking dirt in and out. As for Case, he won’t see anything except the beautiful woman you are.” Tears slide down Sutton’s cheeks. Mom sheds a few of her own. She’s more than likely riddled with as much guilt as I am.
“Well, that’s settled. The sheriff would like to take your statement as long as you’re up to it.” This will be entirely up to Sutton. Though, if I had my way, she wouldn’t have to do any of this at all.
“Can I have a few minutes? I could really use the restroom and something to drink.”
“Of course. I’ll have a nurse bring in a few things for you to choose from. Are you hungry?” Sutton’s stomach answers the room. “I’ll take that as a yes.” The doctor chuckles. “You’re going to be fine, Sutton, just fine.” He closes his file and heads for the door.
“Gonna let Mom help you to the bathroom, unless you need me?” I stand up, my lips brushing across her forehead. There’s a time for me to be here and a time for me to let Sutton have her dignity. I somehow know the last thing she wants is me tosee her bare ass in a hospital gown while she tries to walk with a hospital pole and IV attached to her.
“I’m good, but stay close.” Her face shows fear. Fuck me, but I hate that. “You know, just in case.”
“I’ll be right outside the door. Gotta make a phone call, make sure Case is at the ranch, and then I’ll be right by your side, alright?” My hand is holding hers, head lowered so we’re eye to eye, and this time, my lips touch hers, softly, leaving me aching and wishing I could deepen the kiss.Soon.As soon as she’s better, I’m going touch Sutton everywhere.
“Don’t look. It’ll do nothing but make you more upset, then you’ll cry, and I’ll cry. We’ll be a weeping mess together,” Ms. Catherine tells me just outside the door. She’s holding the back of my elbow. My strength is absolute crap, but I’d rather deal with this than be catheterized. There was a reason while I was lying in bed that I wiggled my toes; it was also to feel if the tubing was where I was more than positive it would be. When Mom was at the end, she couldn’t walk, could barely talk, and it was up to me to take care of her when Ms. Catherine couldn’t. We had around-the-clock care with nurses in and out of the house. Still, there were times they took a break and Mom needed me. There was no other place I’d rather be regardless of the circumstances.
“It’s that bad?” There’s going to be no avoiding the mirror. I’ll eventually have to suck it up.
“It’s not pretty.” A shiver rolls over my body.
“Why do hospitals have to be so damn cold?” I change the subject. The hospital gown I’m wearing is paper thin, and the gaping hole is doing nothing to keep me warm, either. Thank goodness I at least have grippy socks on.
“No idea. Maybe to keep everyone uncomfortable in order to get them to leave as soon as possible,” she replies.