Page 73 of No Ordinary Love
"Is Jax joining?" I asked.
"Can't. He's out of town—has a charity golf thing in Pebble Beach."
The scene was so domestic, so achingly familiar, and such a relief to experience again that I gave a quick thanks to the universe for helping me get my head out of my ass and win my fair maiden.
I kissed Amara again as she continued to sit on the bed; I knew thinking about what I'd said about her admitting she loved me.
She ran after me as I got to the door. She gave me a long hug and stepped away. "What if I need more time?"
"Then you take more time." I smiled at her. "There's no pressure."
She quirked an eyebrow. "So…you'll fuck me tonight?"
I loved her, I thought, so fucking much. "Will you tell me you love me?"
"Argh!" She pushed me out of the door and I was laughing as I walked to my car in her driveway.
I wasn't amused when I got to work when my assistant told me that Mercer Haller was on the phone and said it was urgent. Mercer and I went to business school together. We used to be good friends. Kath's betrayal had hurt more because it was with someone I knew and not some stranger.
"Covington here."
"Thanks for taking my call, Lucas."
This wasn't the first time he'd called my office, but the last time was several years ago.
"Ah…Gene mentioned he talked to you."
"Yeah, he did."
"I didn't mean to sleep with her, Lucas. We were drunk, and…it was stupid. But then she told me she was pregnant and…fuck! It was a mess."
I realized that I had no feelings whatsoever about Kath leaving me for Mercer or Mercer leaving me for Kath. I didn't give a shit.
"You got a reason for this call, man?"
"Yeah. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry."
There was a pause. "Just like that?"
"Sure. Look, now that I've spent time with Kath without lust and youth blurring my eyesight, I feel like I owe you Cubanos, and thanks." I stood up and walked to the windows as I spoke into my earpiece. "It was a shitty thing to do, Mercer. But I'm past it."
"You think we could be friends again? I'd love to introduce you to my—"
"Nah, man. Not going to happen," I told him honestly. "I may be over what you did, but the truth is I'm also over youandKath."
I could hear him breathe deeply, and I listened to a woman in the background.
"By the way, congratulations. I hear you're going to be a father."
"Yeah. It's awesome," he said softly.
"Good for you. Look, Mercer, I've got to go, okay?"
"Thanks for talking to me."
"Take care of yourself."