Page 62 of No Ordinary Love
Mama walked out of the house, but Hugh waited at the doorstep. He leaned closer. "Don't think you're better than me. Iwilldestroy you."
"You know in the movies where they say if you wanna shoot, shoot, don't talk? If you wanna destroy me, go ahead and do it; just stop talking about it." I tucked my hands in my pockets to stop myself from punching him on his angular hawk nose. "Oh, and let Kath know that if she steps over the professional line by even a millimeter, Iwillfire her on grounds of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior."
I didn't wait for Hugh's response. I slammed the door shut on his face. Too bad he wasn't close enough to have gotten the heavy mahogany to knock him out.
I sat back on the couch and called the LPC General Counsel, Gene Lombardi.
"You in jail?"
I laughed. "No. Sorry, I know it's late."
"What's up?"
"Hugh is making a lot of noise that he's going to get me removed as CEO."
"Hugh is dreaming. The board memberscanvote you out if you go to jail—and someone can take over if you die, but outside of that, between Rena and you, your voting share is high enough that no one will fuck with you."
"Thanks, Gene."
"Why is Hugh being a hard ass?"
I sighed but didn't say anything.
"He's upset that you're not panting after Kath now that she got dumped by Mercer?"
I stilled. "She told me she left him because he was having an affair."
"Nah, man. He left her because he found out that…youreallydon't know?" Gene sounded perturbed by that.
"Well, I guess you wouldn't since you and Mercer probably haven't talkedsince."
Mercer had tried to reach out in the past, but I'd rebuffed him. He stole my girl, and I was pissed. Now, maybe I should send him some of those Cuban cigars he liked and say thank you.
"You guess right," I remarked.
"You know that he and Kath had a drunken one-night stand when y'all were together." I didn't, but I let him continue speaking. "She got pregnant."
I stopped breathing.
"She knew it wasn't yours because you were always suited up. I'm sorry that I know so much. You know Mercer and I are close."
I couldn't say fucking anything. I was too shocked.
"They got together, and she had a miscarriage. But he found out a year or so ago that she had an abortion. She said she had to because she didn't know whether the baby was yours or his."
Nausea roiled through me.
"Mercer went ape shit when he found out. That's when he decided there wouldn't be a wedding. He moved out and started seeing—"
"They've been broken up for more than a year?"
"Well, they'd been going to counseling. But then he fell in love with Lola. He's engaged and they plan to marry after their baby is born."
"He knocked up another woman?" I growled.
Gene laughed. "Yeah."