Page 38 of No Ordinary Love
I nodded, my heart heavy with a certainty I'd been avoiding for so long. "I know. I think I've known for a while, but I didn'twant to admit it. It's easier to stick with what's familiar, even if it's wrong."
She smiled, a twinkle in her eyes. "What are you going to do about Jax?"
I blinked. "I thought he was taking care of her because you asked him to."
"Have you seen them together? They have so much chemistry."
I wasn't sure if she was teasing or serious. "Amara told me they're just friends."
"But imagine if they weren't. How would it make you feel?"
"Good. Now you know how she feels. So, when you go to her, go on your knees. Go with humility.Youwrongedher."
I sat back down. "I already put my foot in it."
I told her about my phone conversation with Amara.
She laughed, a soft, knowing sound. "Good for her! I hope she makes you crawl. I've always liked Amara. She's real, Lucas. She's got that fire, that spirit that you need in your life. She's not like Kath, with all the pretenses and the games."
"I know."Fuck if I didn't.
"Why do you think Jax likes her so much? He's sick of the society types after what happened with Daniela."
Jax had once dated the love of his life, a woman who wanted to get married and start a family right away. She expected him to give up golf and join the family business. He'd wanted her support; she'd wanted to be married to the Caldwell heir. Dani moved on quickly, marrying into another family just like hers, just like mine—and since then, Jax hadn't been in a relationship with any woman.
"I know you like to work with facts. So, here it is. Kath betrayed you once before, and even if she's changed, the foundation of your relationship is shaky at best. Amara, on theother hand, has got her feet firmly on the ground. She's someone you can build a life with, someone who will stand by you through thick and thin. That is if you can convince her to give your sorry ass a second chance."
"Thanks for your faith in me."
"I have faith inyou, but not your groveling skills. Let go of your pride and ego; they're not important. She is. Go after her, Lucas. Don't let fear or obligation hold you back. Life is too short for regrets."
Chapter 15
"He's sending flowers every day?" Jax looked at the yellow roses on my dining table.
Jax picked up the card that came with the flowers and read it out aloud.
"Amara, yellow roses are for friendship, for new beginnings, and for the promise that no matter what happens, I'll always treasure the bond we have. Lucas. P.S. Please unblock my number." He laughed softly. "Man, he's wooing you."
I snatched the card away from him and tucked it away into a drawer. I kept all of them, unable to throw them away. They were a part of Lucas, and like a lovesick simpering idiot, I even re-read the damn handwritten notes.
"He's driving me crazy. Isn't he still dating Kath?" I muttered and bent to check on the duck breasts slow-roasting in the oven.
"Technically, they'renotdating. There has been no formal announcement. They have not been seen around town except for some social events."
I snorted. "Really? You think they're not sleeping together?"
I frowned. "I thought you were not Team Lucas."
"I'm not. The way he treated you was cruelandstupid. If I lost someone like you I'd be sending flowers too, along with jewelry if I thought it would work."