Page 14 of No Ordinary Love
"Away from whom? Kath? I wouldn't touch that bitch with a barge pole," Jax muttered and picked up the two glasses of Scotch the bartender had handed him.
Amara favored Islay scotch and had asked for a drink to end the night with, and Jax had generously offered to get her said drinkandtake her home since Bobby Gantz was going to get a ride with Grandma. I had a feeling that Rena Covington was poking her nose in my business. I was going to talk to her as soon as I could and ask her what the fuck she was up to.
"Away from Amara," I hissed.
"Why?" he asked casually. "Rena said you dumped her. She suggested I meet her because she thinks she's my type. She is! She's smart. Gorgeous as fuck. And, almost obscenely sweet."
She's mine, fucker.
"Exactly. She's not your fuck n' forget kind of woman."
"You seemed to have done that, Lucas; and I don't think she'll appreciate you interfering in her business."
The idea of Jax and Amara together made me want to hurt someone. Was this how Amara felt when she saw Kath and me? That must hurt her a hell of a lot more since she was in love with me. I cared about Amara. I was attracted to her.Stillattracted to her. She looked a vision in that light blue dress of hers that made her blue-gray eyes stand out. I remember when she'd worn it last, how I'd fucked her against the couch in our new home while she still had the dress on.
Had she worn it because she knew how much I liked her in it?
No. I knew she hadn't because she barely looked at me all evening. She was too busy flirting with Jax PGAFuckingChampion.
"Jax," I warned him.
"Lucas, I'm not looking to fuck n' forget anymore," Jax said solemnly. "I'm ready to commit. I want to settle down."
Say what?Not with my Amara, asshole.
"There are thousands of women in Charleston; find someone else, not my ex."
"Ex being the operative word, dickhead," Jax said cheerfully. "Mind your own beeswax, Lucas."
He left me glaring at him, and I felt like a fool, both for feeling the way I did about Amara being with Jax and for speaking to him about it. Seeing him with her had driven a knife through my heart. I couldn't stand it.
When I'd agreed to come to the ball with Kath, I thought this would be the start of us exploring as we were. In the past, beforeAmara, whenever I thought about Kath and I getting together, my first instinct was to fuck her hard. But now, I kept telling her we should wait until we got to know one another again, give us time to get used to the people we'd become. That was an alarm bell that went off loud and clear in my head. I wasn't as attracted to Kath as I thought I was. How long ago had that worn off? She was still beautiful, but my dick didn't go hard every time I caught a whiff of her—and, looking back, it hadn't for a while.Not since Amara, a voice in my head informed me.
My dick, apparently, had no trouble getting stiff as soon as I saw Amara. I still cared about her. I knew that. I missed her. But we'd broken up for a good reason, didn't we? I didn't love Amara.I didn't. I knew what love was because I loved Kath, and that was not how I felt about the woman Jax had reminded me was obscenely sweet.
"Lucas." Grandma put a hand on my forearm. "Where's Kath? I thought she was your shadow these days?"
There was just a tinge of irritation in her tone when she mentioned Kath. I'd always thought Grandma loved Kath just as Mama and Shelby did.
Before I could answer I saw Kath walking up to us, all smiles.
"Well, there she is," Grandma sighed deeply.
"Grandma, that's so nice of you to set up Amara with Jax." Kath sounded polite and concerned, but I could hear the annoyance in her tone. She didn't like Amara. I got that. But why did she care who Amara dated?
"Did I set them up?" Grandma said sardonically. "Amara is a good-looking, wonderful woman; I can see why Jax is so interested. It's good timing. He's wanting to settle down."
"With Amara?" Kath scoffed. "Now, Grandma, you know Jax's parents will have a heart attack if they think he's gonna want to have somethin' long-term with someone like Amara."
"What's wrong with her?" Grandma challenged heatedly.
Kath knew she'd fucked up and shrugged. "She's not from our world," she pointed out.
"And what world is that? Earth? Charleston? She's a professor at a reputable school and, according to Bobby, an up-and-coming star in her field. She's well educated. She's intelligent. I think Jax's parents will think their son fell into gold if he can get her to be interested in him." Grandma's tone was diamond sharp.
Snubbed and embarrassed, Kath began, "I just—" but Grandma cut her off with a wave of her hand.
"Lucas, we need to talk about a project I want to do with the Heritage Foundation and LPC," Grandma focused on me, ignoring Kath completely. "My assistant will set up some time on your calendar next week."