Page 9 of Richard
“That’s personal to me. Lenny and I are old friends, so it’s not just business for us.” He waited until she had opened the folder and read a few pages. He saw when she reached the part about his illness.
“No one knows?”
He shook his head. “He is very talented, but his illness is taking a toll on his gift. He started writing again, and he wants the public to know what he is up against. I have encouraged him to tell his story.”
He paused, a frown on his brow. “He has agreed to be spotlighted and wants to talk to whomever I choose to take up the advertising accounts. All his details are there, and you can get in touch with him any time.”
She looked at the folder again and felt her heart bursting inside her chest. She was going to do such a great job that the man seated behind the desk, looking as imposing as Mount Rushmore, was going to commend her on it.
“Thank you.”
His eyes smoldered slightly as he stared at her. “Don’t thank me yet," he warned. “Like I said before, I want to see everythingbefore it’s published. I want to vet whatever it is that’s going to the press, especially when it comes to that.”
He flicked a hand toward the folder. “It’s not just business, it’s personal. How soon can you have something available?”
“I will place a call to Mr. Bolt–” She looked over at him. “Is tonight too soon?”
He shook his head. “He is waiting for the call. And if you want to be on his good side, call him Lenny.”
“Thank you for the heads up.”
Her smile did him in, and he felt the desire swamping him again. He wanted to taste her lips and feel her body against his. Swearing beneath his breath, he surged to his feet and had her doing the same.
“I apologize, but I have an engagement.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie, but he could not bear to have her in his space for another minute. He wanted her out.
“I will be in touch.”
He watched as she hurried out and closed the doors behind her. Sitting back down, he buried his face in his hands and huffed out a breath.
Chapter 3
“I just had a very interesting chat with a sweet-sounding young lady. Makes me want to fall in love again.” Lenny chuckled as he stepped out of the way to let him in.
“You’re just a horny wannabe.” Shrugging out of his outer coat, Richard hung it on the coat tree in the foyer and tried not to frown in concern as he looked at his friend. He had decided to drop by on his way home. Truth be told, he had been reluctant to face his empty townhouse just yet.
“I was in the den putting words together. The album is coming along.” The man shuffled toward the room, turning on lights to get rid of the shadows. Like him, Lenny was a confirmed bachelor, and even though he was wealthy enough to afford better lodgings, he was content to stay in the loft he had resided in for more than a decade.
Pushing the door open, stepped into a very modern and cozy office with a large desk and cabinets with shelves showcasing the several awards he had won over the years.
“I had better not.” Richard thought of the ones he had imbibed earlier. He had chased it down with scalding black coffee and decided against staying at the office.
“How does she look?” The other man shuffled behind his desk and sat.
Lenny shot him a retired look. “Come on, man, give. She called me up and was very sympathetic about my plight. Her voice was soft and sultry, and she managed to put me at my ease and made me want to do a hell of a lot of talking. Must be a gift. So, how is she in the looks department?”
Richard shifted on the padded chair and felt the desire coming back.
“Attractive. Caramel complexion, dark brown eyes, sexy lips, compact body—things like that.”
Lenny’s eyes crinkled in knowing amusement. “Damn. When are you planning on getting her into your bed?”
“It’s complicated," he muttered, wishing he could have that drink.