Page 61 of Richard
It was as if he was alone with her in the large room, his hands holding her, eyes boring into hers as he promised to honor her with his body and be with her through sickness and health. And death was going to be the only thing that would ever part them.
That morning, he had prayed for a very long life so that he could keep the promises he was making her. He wanted to be with her forever, beyond death. He never knew anything like this existed and it overwhelmed him, consumed him.
He slid his ring on her finger, and she did the same, their eyes holding each other’s. Very soon, they were husband and wife—she was officially Mrs. Richard McBride, and nothing had ever felt that significant.
When he kissed her, he showed her how much he wanted to be alone with her. His body was starved. He had spent last night tossing and turning in his big, empty bed and had been tempted to get dressed and go and get her.
“Mrs. McBride," he whispered, hands cradling her face, expression unbelievably tender.
“I love the sound of that,” she whispered back. “Very much.”
“Come on, you two,” Ruth called out, her voice ragged withemotions. “I know you said no press, but this moment needs to be captured. So, we are going to brave the cold and go and take some pictures in the conservatory.”
Richard took her hand, led her into the judge’s office, and signed the papers that officially made them husband and wife.
Pulling her into his arms, he wrapped his hands around her waist. “If I failed to tell you this, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. And I adore you.”
“I adore you, back,” his new bride agreed.
Chapter 14
“We could always ask the driver to take us home.” There was an indulgent tone in his deep voice as they pulled up at his mother’s place half an hour later. They had taken the circuitous route on his command. He had wanted to spend moments with his new bride before facing their guests.
Touching a button, he had activated the privacy glass and settled her on his lap, where he lavished her lips with ardent kisses that left them both breathless and straining for more. It had taken a supreme amount of control for him not to take her right there.
She deserved better than having him making out with her in the backseat. It did not matter that it was a limousine of the highest quality. He wanted her in their bed where he could gaze at her and love her the way she deserved.
She shook her head and tried to tamp down the panic and apprehension.
“There are more than a dozen vehicles in the driveway, and she hired a valet.”
He loved it when she appeared flustered and the endearing habit she had of biting her lip. It sent the blood rushing to his loins.
“Mother does not know the meaning of a small gathering.”
“Who do you think is in there?”
Taking her hand, he forced her to look at him. “We could leave.”
“No.” Taking a deep breath, she clung to him. “Let’s go face the music.”
He pressed the button and gave the driver the signal to open the door. “As soon as you feel overwhelmed, we are leaving," he promised.
“I will let you know.”
He had every intention of reprimanding his mother for disregarding their wishes but decided against it at the look of awed wonder on his bride’s face as soon as she stepped into the vast living room that had been transformed into one of utter elegance.
There were flowers everywhere, turning the room into a bower of perfume and vivid colors.
A raised dais had a live band playing, and Collette’s eyes widened as she recognized the well-known group. On a table in one corner, a three-tier cake made of vanilla and raspberry was showcased. People were milling around and being served refreshments.
Lenny, who had not made it to the ceremony, walked on stage and serenaded the newlyweds with one of his heartrending songs that spoke about a new life, a new beginning, and love unlike any other. By the time he finished, she was clinging to her groom with tears in her eyes.
“Feeling better?” her husband whispered in her ear as they made their way through the crowd toward their table.
“Yes,” she replied softly. Her smile was genuine as she greeted their guests and accepted congratulations from everyone. Balloons, glittering trails of confetti, a champagne fountain, and enough food to feed an army had Collette admiring her mother-in-law’s skill at putting things together at such short notice.
Rodney, the very able assistant did his part as well and beamed at her, looking dashing in his three-piece gold suit that should have looked ridiculous on him, but he managed to carry it off.