Page 59 of Richard
“As you should, darling.” Ruth beamed at her. “No matter that it is going to be a civil ceremony, it doesn’t mean it cannot be tasteful as well.”
“Janice, I want to buy your dress as well,” Collette told her sister. Janice had to quell the flare of resentment and the words bubbling up from her throat.
“I can purchase my own dress.”
“Please, allow me to do it.”
She nodded reluctantly, paying attention to her spring vegetables.
The conversation continued, and she was left to stew in her own resentment and envy, never noticing that Richard was watching her throughout the meal.
He took the opportunity to speak to her when his fiancée and his mother were discussing the floral arrangements. After dessert of coffee and crème Brule, they retired to the sitting area.
Pouring two glasses of white wine, he brought one over to where Janice was sitting and staring into the hypnotic blaze of a real fire.
“I have no idea if you like white wine.”
“I do.” She smiled at him prettily admiring the broadness of his shoulders. His sister told her that he was forty-five, but he looked several years younger, especially his body which was lean and powerful, like a caged lion.
Richard nodded and took his position against the marble fireplace, one hand draped negligently across the surface. Propping his booted foot on the edge, he studied the woman in contemplative silence and wondered, not for the first time, how anyone could choose her over her sister.
“Your sister is reaching out to you, something you hardly deserve.”
Janice stiffened at that implied criticism. “I don’t need her pity.”
“Is that what it is?” He rolled the stem of the glass between his fingers, his green gaze intimidating. “What you and that weak-willed son of a bitch did to her was nothing short of criminal. Iadmire her forgiving spirit, and her happiness is personal to me.
I want her to heal the breach between you and she is trying. The least you could do is meet her halfway.”
Janice lifted her chin and tried to out stare him but had to look away. “I already apologized.”
“I am sure you did.” His expression hardened. “I will not allow anyone to ever hurt her again, and that includes you.” He tossed back the wine. “Please bear that in mind.”
He turned away and saw the object of their discussion coming toward him, a smile on her lips, and felt his anger drain away.
“Hey love.” Taking her hand, he drew her into his arms. “I was just telling your sister how happy I am that she will be attending the wedding.” His flint-like gaze dared Janice to deny it, and she nodded with a pleased smile.
“And I would love it if you bought the dress for me.”
“Wonderful.” Collette tilted her head to look at him. “Your mother wants to invite a few friends to the reception.”
His eyes narrowed. “A few?”
Collette laughed at him. “I am going to let her tell you herself.”
His breathing was shallow, his body barely recovering from the onslaught of passion from the intense lovemaking a few minutes ago. They had come back home, and he had barely taken the time to take their clothes off before he was on her.
It had started in the car when she placed a hand on his thigh, causing the muscles in his legs to contract. She had gotten bolder and slid her hand near his crotch, just enough to entice him and make him harden. He had floored the accelerator and made a journey home.
He loved that she was getting rid of her shyness and inhibition around him. He had stripped away her reserved manner and was slowly but surely bringing her out of her shell.
Her fingers were tangled in his chest hair, and one leg was thrown over his.
“I need to ask you something.”