Page 46 of Richard
Collette waited until he had left before hefting the basket and making her way back inside.
Richard opened his eyes, and for a few seconds, wondered where he was. The room did not look anything like his bedroom; for one, it was significantly smaller, and the sun was steaming in from an unfamiliar direction. Recollection flooded his mind and had him turn his head to look at the other side of the bed.
Panic touched him when he didn’t see her, and for a moment, he wondered if she had fled.
He was dragging on his jeans when the enticing scent of coffee hit his nostrils.
Smiling in delight at the prospect of what awaited him in the kitchen, he dragged on a sweater and went to brush his teeth.Dragging his fingers through his hopelessly tangled hair, he decided not to wait another minute to go and find her.
The sight that met his eyes had him taking a deep breath. She had her back turned to him and was humming beneath her breath. She had found an apron, and the strings were tied around her neck and her small waist.
Leaning against the door jamb, he looked at his fill, and felt the deep yearning to see this scene for the rest of his life.
Finally sensing him behind her, she turned, one hand flying to her throat.
“You are up.”
“In more ways than one," he drawled, mischief dancing in his emerald green eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“Making breakfast. Or partially making it. Bert, the caregiver, handed me a basket when I went to the barn. He scared the crap out of me.”
“He was probably checking on the horses. Want to pour me a cup?” He hitched a chin toward the coffee pot, and she went to get cups. “I was not sure what time you would be up. I just need to do the toast–”she gasped as he took the cup from her and set it aside before pulling her in his arms.
“I just need a proper greeting. Hi.”
“Hi.” She was looking anywhere except his face.
“How did you sleep?” He was amused at her shyness. After the night and morning they had spent exploring each other’s bodies, he did not expect it.
“Very well,” she told him primly. “The eggs–”
“Can wait. This can’t.” Lifting her chin, he covered her mouth, his tongue plunging in and leaving her weak with need. Her arms came around his neck, and with a sigh of surrender, she returned the potent kiss.
“Much better," he whispered hoarsely, his hands still around her waist. “I like hair like this.” Lifting one hand, he tugged at a thick stand and watched fascinated as it bounced back. “I like it even better when it’s streaming on the pillows. “Want to go for a ride after we eat?”
Her eyes sparkled. “I would love that. I was checking out the horses but didn’t get a chance to do anything else.”
Kissing her again, he rubbed his hands up and down her back, loving the feel of her slender frame against his body.
“We will do some exploring and while we are at it, there is a quaint little café a few miles from here. We could stop and havelunch.”
“Are you going to let me go?”
“Never," he deliberately misinterpreted the question.
“I meant–”
“I know what you meant. But I am also putting you on notice.” His fingers slid over one smooth cheek. I am in your life for good.”
She couldn’t believe how happy he made her and how much she was enjoying herself for the first time in her life. He made her laugh. Right here in this small paradise, she could forget who he was. Now that he wasn’t surrounded by the press or the nucleus of his power, his world was where he commanded the attentionof people.
He was just Richard, the man who made her body tingle and her blood heat up. The man gently instructed her on how to hold the reins of the superb brown horse with the white streak on its forehead. He was riding a magnificent black mare that seemed very high spirited and slightly intimidating.