Page 42 of Richard
“I have been anticipating this since we left the loft," he told her hoarsely. Getting rid of the rest of her clothes, he drew her down and set about taking off his clothes before lying next to her. His eyes wandered over her naked body, and he smiled in satisfaction. “It’s even better than I imagined.”
She became fascinated with the wide expanse of his chest, with the dusting of dark brown hair. He held his breath when she splayed her fingers beneath his nipple. As if sensing his discomfort, she hesitated and stared at him, her eyes wide and questioning.
“Go ahead,” he rasped. “Touch me.”
When he discovered her wonder as she explored his flesh, he turned his body into a map for her to discover. The look on her beautiful face filled him with so much tenderness that he felt his body shaking. This lovely child woman had an innocence about her that made him want to wrap her into his arms and never let her go.
He sucked in a breath when she passed her fingers over his nipple. Grabbing hold of the blankets, he closed his eyes and felt the blood gathering in his lower body as she continued her innocent exploration.
“Do you want me to stop?” Her soft voice had him opening his eyes.
“No, baby.”
That was all she needed. Her hand drifted to his flat stomach, fingers trailing along his skin. She hesitated when she reached the dense hairs covering his sex. Taking the decision from her, he took her hand and wrapped it around his throbbing heat. Her eyes flew to his face, and he almost laughed at her expression.
“It’s okay, baby," he told her thickly. Navigating her hand, he used it to pull back his foreskin to reveal the reddened tip that was already pooling with liquid. “That’s because I am hungry for you," he told her. Taking her finger, he moved it over his glans.
It was becoming unbearable. A groan was torn from his chest, and he knew it was time. Removing her hand, he picked her up and settled her over his throbbing cock. When she sank down, he felt as if he was going to explode.
“Oh baby.” He saw her grimacing and was immediately concerned. “Am I hurting you? Is it too much?”
“No.” She bit her lip and rotated her hips, sending spasms of incredible delight shimmering through his body. “I have never–”
“Oh sweetheart.” Lifting his body, he cupped her face. Expression tender. “Darling.” Bending her slightly, he took her nipple inside his mouth and had her grabbing his hair.
As soon as he moved, it was all over, but still he continued to ravish her nipple. He emptied himself at the mouth of her womb and held her tight as the climax took over and had her trembling against him.
Dropping back against the cushions, he held her against him, his hands wrapped around her waist.
Waiting a few minutes until his world was right side up again, he tilted his chin down to look at her. “Hungry?”
She nodded, her face buried in his chest.
“As soon as I get my strength back, I will go get us some food. In the meantime, I want to hold you just like this.”
He fed her from the plate and refused to have her put clothes on. Deciding against going for a ride or exploring as the weather had taken a turn, he was content to just lay with her by the fire and enjoy her body sprawled half on top of his. And he got her to open up to him—about her past.
She told him of her childhood and how her sister had always been their parents’ favorite.
“I suppose it’s natural because she was so beautiful.” Her tone held no judgment, but he heard the hurt and pain in her voice. Anger at what she had gone through seized him, and he wanted to go back and right every wrong that had been done to her.
The need to protect her from everything frightened him, but he never wanted to see her hurt again.
“That’s no excuse," he said quietly. His head was propped upon one hand, the other curving at her waist. “They shouldn’t have put you through that. And your sister sounds like a real piece of work.”
She shrugged, still not comfortable talking about the subject. “She is trying to make amends.”
He tilted her chin up and stared at her searchingly. “And?”
She held his gaze and what she saw there made her heart quickened. “I don’t know. I told her I would think about it.”
“And him?” His fingers were tensed against her skin. “Are you still in love with him?”
Something told her that her answer was very important to him.
“I stopped loving him a long time ago.”