Page 33 of Richard
Before she could respond, there was a discreet knock on the door before it was pushed open.
“Mr. McBride, I was told you were here. I am Babs–”
“I am here to speak to Ms. Sutherland. Alone.” He jerked his head toward the door, an annoyed look on his face. “If you don’t mind.”
It was not a request, and they all knew it.
“Of course.” With a curious look at Collette, who was still standing as if on guard behind her desk, Babs retreated and closed the door.
“You have no right–”
“Why have you been avoiding my calls?”
“Because I have nothing to say to you.”
“You asked for a week, and I gave that to you. Now in my estimation, a week comprises of seven days. On the eighth day I waited to hear from you and when I didn’t, I tried calling you and you ignored me, forcing me to come and find you.”
“I didn’t want to see you.”
His eyes flickered at that. “Why not?”
She fiddled with something on her desk. “It was a mistake.”
“How do you figure?” His arrogant stance had her lifting her chin.
“I was sure you had moved on by now.”
He stared at her in silence for so long, she started to fidget.
“Well, you are wrong. I want to see you later.”
“That’s not possible.”
“My place or yours, you choose," he continued as if she had not spoken.
“Did you hear what I just said?” She wanted to stamp her feet in frustration. She also wanted to get him out of her office quickly before the staff started to speculate on his presence.
“I heard you and am choosing to ignore it. What time will you be through here?”
“None of your business.”
“What time?” he repeated in an implacable voice.
“I am not sure.”
“I will expect you at eight.” Reaching into the pocket of his jacket, he took out a card and a gold-tipped pen and wrote on the back of it. When he moved toward her desk, she went rigid, her breath backing up inside her throat.
“That’s the address of my loft.” He placed the card in front of her,emerald eyes taking in her rigid posture. “If you are not there by 8:05 PM, I will come and find you, either here or at your place. If you continue to ignore me, I am going to make certain that everyone here knows we are sleeping with each other.”
“Why are you doing this?” she whispered.
He wanted to blurt out the truth, but knew it was too soon. He had spent eight days agonizing over her and when she had not called as promised, it had filled him with so much despair, he had been unable to work.
“Because I want you," he told her instead. “Because that night in my office is still etched in my brain. Because I know we can be great together. I want to feel you naked in my arms. I want to make love to you with my mouth and spend an entire night with you.” He stopped abruptly as the familiar desire coursed through his body, making him hard.
“Be there, Collette. I am serious about finding you.” His voice was curt, and without waiting for her to respond, he turned and strode out.
She barely had time to compose herself and pick up the card before Babs burst in, fairly straining with questions.