Page 13 of Richard
Collette didn’t have to think to come up with a response. “He is intimidating," she laughed a little breathlessly. He was standing behind his desk when I walked in, and he looked like a giant. He has these green eyes that seemed to see into your very soul.”
Babs shuddered delicately. “Sounds creepy.”
“Not at all. It just struck me that he is a man who does not suffer fools gladly.”
The moment Lenny set eyes on her, he knew why his friend was interested. Collette Sutherland was not your classical beauty, but there was something about her that caught the eye and latched on. Her smile was genuine, and her voice inspired confidence.
Lenny welcomed her into his home and decided to have the meeting in his studio, something he almost never allowed unless it was someone close to him. But there was something about thiswoman that made him want to know more about her.
“Oh my!” she breathed as she stepped into his inner sanctum. “You deserve every one of these awards.”
“Don’t tell me you are a country and western fan.” He sat behind his desk and smiled at her indulgently. He really liked her.
“Of course I am.” She turned to look at him, dark brown eyes sparkling and lending her face an ethereal look. Baby, I am coming home and My last dance, give me your heart, are only some of the songs I listened to, especially when–”She paused and walked over to take her seat on one of the plump chairs.
“But I am not here to unburden myself," she added lightly as she took out her iPod. “We are here to talk about you.”
“Which doesn’t mean we cannot integrate your heartbreak as well,” Lenny said gently. “Finish the sentence. Who knows? It might be an inspiration for my next song.”
She rolled her eyes and made him laugh. “I think my life story has been sung many times over.”
He shook his head. “I strongly believe that every story is unique, and I will not budge an inch before hearing yours.”
“Authentic interest or just avid curiosity?”
“The former," he told her gravely.
She nodded and fiddled with her tote. “I was jilted at the altar," she told him abruptly.
He stared at her for a few seconds before dropping his eyes to the notebook on his desk.
“He is not just an asshole, but a blind one as well.”
His bluntness was so unexpected, it startled a laugh out of her and made her feel much better.
“Thank you," she told him sincerely.
“You are welcome.” He grinned at her. “And I meant every word.”
“I am sure you did.”
“If you ever need me to confront him and tell him so, just say the word.”
She shook her head, eyes twinkling. “Not necessary. I was feeling down before, but you made my day.” She crossed impressive legs encased in silk stockings, bringing his attention to them.
Damn! he thought wryly. Richard told him last night that he was going to try and stay away from her, but he had strong doubts that was happening. The woman was sexy as hell. If he wasn’t so damn sick, he would enter the running himself.
“Shall we get started?”
“Let me play you something first, and you tell me what you think," he suggested.
Chapter 4
“What the hell is going on with you?” Lenny’s voice was impatient and bewildered as he stared at his friend.
“You are not putting out your best!”