Page 1 of Richard
Chapter 1
“Thanks for meeting me.”
“I don’t have a lot of time.”
The two women lapsed into silence after those aimless sentences. The restaurant was practically empty at that time of day. Not quite lunch yet and the breakfast crowd had come and gone. It was a popular place located in the heart of the uptown area, and it was where Collette came whenever she had clients to wine and dine.
She was well-known and well-liked by the owner, who had provided her usual table by the window. It afforded them privacy.
“What are you having?”
The younger woman glanced up from her study of the menu.
“Whatever you choose.”
With a perfunctory nod, Collette summoned the waiter and ordered the club salad.
“I suppose you are wondering why I called you.”
“The thought crossed my mind.”
“You have changed,” the younger woman observed.
“If you mean I am no longer a doormat, then yes.”
“You look good.”
“Thanks. Would you like to tell me the reason for this meeting now, or would you like to wait until we are served?”
“You said you don’t have time–”
“I don’t. What is it, Janice?”
She fiddled with the utensils and avoided her sister’s eyes. “You must hate me.”
“I did, for a very long time. However, it has been almost ten years now. Water under the bridge.”
“We hurt you a lot.”
“Understatement of the year.” Collette thought she was over the pain of their betrayal, but that was not the case. “I would rather not rehash the past, if you don’t mind.”
“He’s leaving me,” her sister whispered, causing Colette to stareat her for a moment, her face expressionless.
She should be jubilant over the news, jumping up and shouting that what goes around comes around, but to her surprise, she realized she felt sorry for the woman who had caused her so much heartbreak and pain.
She shrugged. “We are not able to have children.”
Which was ironic, Collette thought bitterly. She had wanted children, had planned for them, and right after she was dumped by her fiancé, she discovered she was pregnant. That discovery was followed by the miscarriage that had almost cost her life.
Two months after that, Trevor married her sister in a civil ceremony. The news had almost killed her. She was barely recovering from her ordeal when she received the news.
It had destroyed their relationship, and this was the first time she had spoken to Janice since that happened. The younger woman had tried reaching out to her several times recently, but she had refused to take the calls—until now.
“What do you want me to say to that?”
“Nothing.” Tears were visible in Janice’s eyes, and the pleading look on her face was ignored.