Page 64 of Giorgio
Her brother was very supportive, but she knew that as soon as the baby was due, she was going to find a place for herself. He insisted on her staying and stubbornly refused to accept that she was going to have to leave.
“Not yet. You are pregnant and need the support.”
She did not have the heart to tell him she was more than capable of taking care of herself. He made her nutritious meals whenever he was home before her and encouraged and supported her every decision regarding the store.
It was all coming together. She had chosen pastel colors for the interior, pearl pink in the ‘escape room’ lime green in the main area, shell pink for her office and for the lounge as she was calling the area designated for book club meetings and various activities, she had gone for lavender.
The exterior was more or less left alone as she had decided that the aging faded bricks would give the place a lived-in look. She had already contacted various booksellers and publishers and was expecting her first shipment in the middle of October.
Standing in the neat office, she stared at the antique file cabinets and the old-fashioned desk she had picked up at an antique sale and nodded. Pressing a hand to her tummy, she rubbed the area slowly.
She was not exhibiting the usual symptoms yet but was looking forward to it. “What do you think darling? Next step is to design a play area for you.”
Chapter 14
“Don’t you think it’s time he heard that he is going to be a father?” The question was asked irritably.
“No. And you promised not to interfere,” she reminded him. They were just exiting the private clinic where her OBGYN was located and received the news that she was having a son. Her brother insisted on accompanying her to every doctor’s appointment, even when she told him she could manage.
The pregnancy was going fairly well, which was a relief since she had been rushed off her feet since the opening of the store in mid-October.
Even she had been surprised at the instant success. The papers had written up about it and the reviews had been wonderful. Le Evasione had been described as the perfect place to shed the worries of the day and just curl up with a good book and socialize with others of like minds.
“The owner and creator of this establishment has taken the idea of a simple bookstore and added elements that are simply divine. Step into another world when you walk through the front door. Just want to read?
No problem, but it is more than that, you will be getting the full experience of chatting with friends, making more friends, drinking tea, and eating delicious pastries, seeing fledgling authors, and getting copies of your books signed, or just simply hanging out and getting pampered.
Juliana Campbell is a charming host and yes, she could never be called a bookstore owner when she greets each person with a smile and a kind word.”
The article had gone viral, and the store’s success was established. Instead of employing just one person, she had been forced to employ three. And even so, the days were so busy, she was often rushed off her feet.
She was constantly researching innovative ideas and running them by her brother who took an active part in making certain she was not in need of anything, including sound business advice.
He was looking forward to being an uncle and had started talking about decorating a nursery. Juliana did not have the heart to inform him that she would be moving out soon.
Her brother stared at her in angry frustration.
“The son of a bitch needs to know so that he can stand up to his responsibilities. “You are six months pregnant, and he has obviously put you and what happened in Italy behind him.”
“I don’t want him to come because of an obligation,” she said stubbornly. “You don’t understand…”
“I understand that this bastard is getting away with murder.”
She made a show of glancing at her watch. “I have an author coming in fifteen minutes and it looks as if we are in for some snow.”
“Please, just be my brother and support my decision? I cannot think or talk about it right now. I have too much to do and this- “Her hands drifted to her extended tummy. “This is cause for celebration.” Her dark brown eyes sparkled. “Can’t you just be happy for me?”
His expression softened as he stared at her. He admired her immensely. She had taken the negative aspects of her life and turned them into something positive. She looked serenely beautiful, and the success of her bookstore was the talk of the town.
She worked hard at it and was out of the apartment early in the morning while conscientiously taking care of herself and making sure she ate healthy. And she was never morose or dejected. She was handling the entire thing with aplomb, and he couldn’t be prouder of her.
“Alright,” he said grudgingly. Moving forward, he flipped up the collar of her jacket and adjusted her scarf. “What time will you be home tonight?”
“I have no idea. We have a chocolate tasting by the fire and there is a new book everyone is dying to explore. Around eight, I think.”
“Stay off your feet.” He ordered. “Dr. Simmonds is a little concerned about your swollen ankles.”