Page 45 of Giorgio
“Please. I have missed you.”
He wheeled around and was at the door when she spoke again. “Giorgio, please.”
Her sultry voice, the yearning that matched his, held him captive. Leaning his head against the solid wood, he closed his eyes and tried and itemize why this was not a good idea. And nothing he came up with, stood a chance against the intense lust raging throughout his body. Taking a shattered breath, he engaged the lock and turned around.
She was standing exactly in the same place, her large eyes watching him. The distance between them seemed insurmountable – an ocean apart, instead of several feet. Hetook off his tailored jacket first, dropping it without regards to its expense.
Then came his shoes and then his tie and the mask. She watched in silence as he wrestled with the pearl buttons of his pristine white shirt, dragging the tails out of his trousers.
The white undershirt was next, giving her an unrestricted view of the most magnificent body she had ever seen in real life. He was tanned all over, dense dark hairs covering a muscled chest. His stomach was washboard flat, the hairs disappearing beneath the waistband of his trousers.
Her fingers curled into her palms as he eased the zipper down and took it off. His white boxer was tented at the front, indicating his desire.
Her eyes flew to his face, a gasp escaping her. She was not certain she would be able to accommodate him.
“I won’t hurt you.” He rasped as if reading her thoughts. “That’s the last thing I would ever do.” He approached her slowly as if giving her an out. “I was in that ballroom, with hundreds of beautiful women, the cream of society and the only thing I found myself doing was think about you.” He muttered something in Italian that escaped her.
“This is a mistake, but I swear, that I cannot hold out much longer.” He took off her robe and belatedly realized she was standing and had been since he came into the room.
Bending, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed. In the morning, there would be recriminations and agonizing regret. But for now, he had to have her. Or he was going to go insane.
“Your leg…”
“I’ll be fine.” Her hands feathered lightly over his chest, feeling the tensing of the muscles. “You are so beautiful, like that painting I saw in one of the books. Michelangelo’s David.” She lifted her head to look at him. Lifting a hand, she touched his clean-shaven jaw, a scruff already forming.
“I suffered when you stayed away.” Tears gathered at the back of her eyes. “I told myself that you were with someone. And I wanted to die.”
“Juliana- “A groan escaped him. “We can’t…”
“I know I have to leave and go back home,” even the thought of it paralyzed her. “But until then, I want to be with you.” She traced the outline of his bottom lip and felt a sharp jolt of desire when he nibbled on the pad of her finger.
A party was going on downstairs and no doubt he would be missed, but right now, he did not care. He was where he wanted to be. His hands framed her small face, fingers trembling. He had wanted to do this from the time he saw her lying in that hospital bed. Ducking his head, he rubbed his lips against hers.
Her hands came around his neck, fingers sliding through the thickness of his hair. It was soft, gloriously soft, just as she suspected. Her slender body arched hungrily, the yearning starting from the core of her and traveling upwards, until she was bursting with need. Her lips parted eagerly, but he wasn’t ready to deepen the kiss.
He explored her full bottom lip slowly, his body aching, his sex stretching until he felt as if he was going to embarrass himself. But he was determined to take his time with her. He wanted it to last all night and possibly the morning.
He nibbled, her breath driving him to the brink of madness. The tip of her tongue touched his lip, and he captured it, just the tip, sucking it into his mouth, until she was writhing against him.
Her fingers made restless grooves in the flesh of his back and shoulders. Ignoring her need to deepen the kiss, he kept it light, tormenting her with his thorough exploration of her lips.
When she felt as if she couldn’t bear it anymore, he plunged his tongue inside her mouth, the kiss taking on a wildness that was all consuming.
He settled into the groove of her thighs, his sex nudging at the core of her as he drank from the sweetness of her mouth. It was more than he imagined and a hell of a lot better than he had ever experienced. He was starving for her.
He, who had experienced sex at a very young age, felt as if this was his first time. His body was raging, heart pounding out of tune. Her breasts – Sweet Cristo! The nipples were branding his chest. Ending the kiss, he pressed open mouth kisses at her neck, her throat, going down to what he was hungering for.
He rubbed his lips over the tight bud and sent fire darting through her body. His tongue licked the tight bud, swirling around it until it hardened even more.
“Giorgio.” Her voice was breathless, her fingers clutching at his hair. He finally took the bud into his mouth, sucking on the flesh before pulling it into his mouth and suckling hungrily. A cry escaped her, body arching towards him as sensations shimmered and swept her up until she felt as if she was on the edge of a cliff, poised to free fall.
Nothing had ever felt this good and even though she didn’t have all her faculties, she knew instinctually that this was the most beautiful thing she had ever experienced.
By the time he had transferred to the other nipple, she was mindless with a passion so intense, she was swept away by the force of it.
“I need you,” she gasped. “Giorgio, oh God, please. I cannot…”
His mind was a fog, his body weightless and his mind a complete blank. Rising over her, he shucked his underwear and dragged off hers. Poised on top of her, he positioned himself so that he would not aggravate her leg.