Page 34 of Giorgio
“So, it is safe to say that you are into the classics.”
“I guess so. I am also a speed reader. I finished two historical romances already. Thick ones.” Her eyes were dancing with amusement and wrapping him up in their warmth.
“Interesting.” He wanted to lift her legs and propped them on his lap, but after the conversation with his father, he didn’t think it was a good idea. It was probably not wise to be sitting this close to her. Or even be in the same room. “Are you full?”
She nodded. “I am stuffed. I ate Fettuccine al Pomodoro; I hope I am pronouncing it properly.” At his nod of approval, she continued. “Then there was mixed salad with Parmesan Crisps and of course fruit and then Amaretti di Saronno. I swear your chef is trying to fatten me up.”
“Did you enjoy the meal?”
“I behaved like a pig.”
“Meaning you ate too quickly and cleaned your plate.”
“Like that.” She laughed and he laughed along with her. “How was your day?”
“I was at the corporate headquarters.”
“Oh?” She didn’t mention their fight this morning or what led to it.
“We are losing sales in some of the stores, and I had an idea that will be implemented in time for the holidays.”
She tilted her head to look at him. “Did you enjoy it?”
He smiled slightly. “I did.”
Ignoring the voice screaming inside his head, he lifted her feet carefully and propped them onto his lap. She had asked him to sign her cast, and he had. The nurses and doctors had also humored her, and he noticed several more squiggles.
“Beatrice, Lucia and Luna.” She provided, seeing his curious look. “They were delighted when I asked them to sign it.”
“How do you feel?”
“Wonderful and incredibly lazy. The doctor came by to visit and said I am good to go, except the memory loss and this.” She gestured to the cast.
“I apologize for leaving you this morning, especially in anger.”
“It’s fine. You were entitled. I was nosy.” She wrinkled her brow. “I hope that’s not how I usually am.”
“I have a feeling it is.” He teased and she poked his stomach with her uninjured foot.
“What are you going to do now?”
“I have to run out for a bit, but I will be back in time for supper.” He stared at her for a moment. “How about we have dinner together?”
“What about your dad?”
“He has a black-tie event. We could dine either in the dining room or on your balcony.”
Her eyes sparkled. “I would like to dress up, so the dining room. It’s lucky you bought me those fancy clothes. Mine leave a lot to be desired.” A frown touched her brow. “I also have a feeling that I was not much into fashion.”
“I believe you are right,” he grinned as she poked her tongue at him. He enjoyed her. The natural way she had about her, the lack of coyness, the way she treated him was a novelty to him and he was intrigued by her.
He also loved spending time with her. Thinking about her leaving was doing strange things to his insides and he darednot stop to consider why that was. All he knew was that he was looking forward to spending time with her later today. Just the two of them. “Will you be staying here for much longer?”
She nodded. “It is comfortable. I will make my way upstairs closer to the time when we have to dine.”
“Use the elevator.”