Page 32 of Giorgio
“Meaning I don’t have an original thought in my head?”
“I did not mean that at all.”
He stopped and leaned against the window, his expression moody. “I apologize. She is getting inside my head.” He muttered.
Alfredo did not pursue that line of conversation because he already knew who his son was referring to. The young lady had only been in their lives for over a week and her influence was already noticeable, especially where his sone was concerned.
“Why don’t I call Allegro and set up a meeting and you can go through the idea with her?”
Giorgio nodded. “I took Juliana to the Colosseum.”
“She was able to navigate the steps?”
“No. We stayed in the vehicle. She wanted to get out of the house.”
“It’s much too cold for her to be outside or I would suggest she go out and sit in one of the gardens.”
“She wanted to see the library. I left her there.”
“She likes to read.”
Giorgio nodded. “She was an – is an editor. She lost her job when the publishing house closed down.” An idea had been forming since she told him about that. “In compensation for her accident, for what I put her through, we could buy her a publishing house.”
Alfredo’s eyebrows lifted. “Isn’t that a little extreme?”
“We are into publishing.” He pointed out.
“It doesn’t make a difference.” He argued. “We could identify somewhere and start negotiations. We would confer with the brother of course and hear what he has to say.”
“It would appear as if we were trying to buy her off.”
Giorgio’s mouth tightened. “Far from it.” He clipped. “She will be going home at some point and no job prospects in sight. I want to do this for her.”
“It seems you would like to do a lot of things for her.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Alfredo held up his hands as a sign of peace. “Ever since the accident and it was just that. Ever since that night, you arebending over backwards to make things easy for her. You set her up in a suite, she has been getting the best care.
You rush to her side whenever she calls and now you are thinking of buying her a publishing house. I could read a lot of things into what is going on.”
His eyes flashed. “There is nothing to read. I am just doing the right thing.”
“You haven’t been anywhere.”
“I went to that charity event.”
“And left early.”
“She needed me.”
“You are getting too involved.”
“I am bloody well involved.” He snapped. “What do you expect me to do? Dump her at that clinic and say arrivederci?”
“No, but I have never seen you this animated before. Mind if I make a suggestion?”