Page 53 of Evan
“I am aware.” Laying his utensils to the side, Evan reached for his wineglass and took a sip.
“She will never fit into your lifestyle.”
Evan cocked a thick eyebrow at him. “Is that your opinion?”
“It should be yours too. I am certain you thought about it. What if this is just a novelty? She is different from anyone you have ever met. What is going to happen when the novelty wears off?”
He took his time before responding and had to remind himself that he was seeking this man’s approval and should try not to alienate him. “I am old enough to know what I want. I have never been in love before. I want her to be my wife.”
“Are you willing to adapt to her lifestyle, or will you bend her to yours?”
Evan’s eyes flared in irritation, managing to tamp it down before it became an issue.
“She is religious, and I respect that.”
Pastor William stopped eating to stare at the younger man. “It is more than just religion Mr. Davenport. Cassandra has a personal relationship with the Lord.”
“I am not going to argue semantics… “
“Semantics? We are talking about a very important aspect of her life. It is not just something that she does because it has been forced on her. You have known her for only a few short weeks. What do you really know about her? You have never been out on a date, unless you count the picnic you went on.”
Evan had to squelch the retorts that sprung to his lips. “I will be taking her out on dates, courting her.”
“And have the press following everywhere you go and documenting everything.”
“What do you suggest?” He asked the man tightly, at the end of his rope.
“I would suggest you look elsewhere.”
“That is not going to happen. What is your problem?”
“My problem as you so eloquently state it, is I see a man of the world who has seen and done everything. I see hurt and pain in Cassie’s life if you insist on taking this further.”
“That’s not your call, is it?” Pushing away his plate, he picked up his wine, his expression ominous. I am merely doing you thecourtesy of letting you know what my intentions are. I am aware that you are a father figure to her, and I want to respect that and put you on notice.”
“You will hurt her.”
Evan’s eyes flared. “Not intentionally.”
“Your reputation…”
“Should not be an issue. I am not the same person I was before I met her.” Taking a sip of his wine, he forced himself to calm down. “Look, I know this is going to be difficult for her…”
“Try impossible.”
Evan gritted his teeth in frustration. “Are you going to stand in the way of us being together?”
“I love Cassie.”
“So do I,” he shot back.
“I have her best interest at heart.” Pastor William had no idea why he was being so ornery or reluctant to give his blessings. Or maybe he did. Cassie deserved the best and she had waited too long to have her heart broken into pieces.
“Look, this is going to happen whether you like it or not. And I really don’t see why you are so against us being together. I love her…”
“You have a reputation of being with many women.”
Evan’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Those reports have been exaggerated. Yes, I have had my share of women, but I am not going to sit here, and have you pass judgement on me when your life is not so stellar. I know about your affair, Pastor William.”