Page 17 of Big Nick Energy
“Did you notice we match?” she asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced down and chuckled. We did match. I was wearing a knit sweater, a little darker shade of blue than hers, that I’d paired with dark pants.
“We do,” I mumbled before my eyes found hers. “I think it’s perfect.”
“Us matching or the tree?” she teased, and I licked my bottom lip.
“Both,” I answered honestly. An idea perked up in my head.
I liked us matching.In public or private. Especially if it meant some asshole could tell she was mine. Fucking hell, I had a feeling I would most definitely be doing some late-night online shopping in my near future.
She blinked before smiling shyly. “Cool.” She pressed her lips together, and I moved right toward her.
I loved our size difference.
She hardly reached my shoulders. I reached for her, and she came to me easily. The whole time at the Christmas tree farmhad been a tease of my senses.Who the hell am I kidding?The whole morning had been nothing but serious foreplay, and by the way she was looking at me, I was positive she agreed with me.
Watching her.
Hearing her.
Smelling her scent over the fresh air and pine.
My greedy hand moved to her waist, my fingers sliding beneath her sweater, and to my surprise, my girl wasn’t wearing anything underneath, and if she was, it was cropped. Feeling her warm skin against mine made something come alive inside of me. It made me throb something fierce.
“Come home with me,” I murmured against the shell of her ear. I felt her body shudder before she leaned closer to me. Her head rose, and when our eyes connected, I knew if she didn’t move or take a step back within the next thirty seconds, I was going to kiss her.
But I didn’t have to wait that long.
My girl rose to the tips of her toes, her hand, open palmed, rested on my chest just under over my overzealous racing heart, and she tipped her head just enough for me to catch her mouth. As close as we were, and even though I had already planned to kiss her, she still took me by surprise.
My body froze for a brief second with wonder and awe. My girl. My sweet, beautiful Blanca was kissing me. She’d made the first move! That alone spurred me into action. I pulled her closer, and my free hand moved up to cup the back of her head. Kissing my princess felt unlike anything I’d imagined.
She was sweet. Her kiss tasted like maple syrup and strawberries blended up with all my hopes and dreams with a dash of vanilla. I’d spent way too long imagining the moment. Contemplating what it would be like. But no matter how much I’d daydreamed, reality was so much better. Brighter. Myimagination paled against reality. I deepened the kiss, slanting my mouth and pushing through the seam of her mouth, and my sweetness let me.Fuck.
The kiss grew wetter.
Before I knew it, she’d shifted, her hand no longer on my chest but around my neck as she clung against me, like she couldn’t get close enough.
Thankfully, or unfortunately, someone coughed, and another person giggled around us before I had a chance to lift her up. They reminded me of the fact we weren’t alone. We were out in public where anyone walking past us could get a free show. The tree farm might be widespread, and because we had arrived right when it had opened, it wasn’t busy, but it wasn’t exactly private. I groaned as I pulled away. It physically hurt to end the kiss. And because I was a selfish, greedy bastard, I took one more sip of her lips before resting my forehead against hers.
“Shit,” I cursed and watched, on bated breath, as my girl opened her eyes slowly. Her lust-drunk gaze connected with mine.
“Is that a good shit or bad shit?” she murmured. My lips twitched again. Fuck, I couldn’t stop smiling around her.
“Everything with you is good, baby girl,” I mumbled, and she smiled so brightly, I felt that beauty go through me into my heart and spread through my damn soul.Mine.
“I’d like to go home with you…” She shut her mouth quickly, almost like stopping herself from saying something else. “Nick.” Whatever she had been about to call me wasn’t that. And if it was what I thought it was, I had no idea how the hell I was that fucking lucky, but I wasn’t going to question it.
“Glad to hear that, Blanca.” I nodded and pulled away before turning her back against me. With her back flush to my front,I brought up my cellphone. “Selfie time, baby,” I murmured against her soft cheek before snapping a couple of shots of us in front of all the trees and then one goofy one with the tree we had chosen.
How many times had I seen couples do shit like that and cringed each and every time? Yet there I was, initiating it.When you know, you know,a voice whispered. I exhaled slowly, then let her go and reached for the tree she had picked out before we headed to the cash registers at the front of the tree farm.
When she glanced toward the little shop that had ornaments and holiday décor, I couldn’t resist taking her inside and insisting she help me trim the tree. Together, we picked out a theme and even added a wreath for the front door. When she wasn’t looking, I picked up anOur First Christmasornament for us.
One I planned to print and add one of the snapshots I’d insisted we take.