Page 36 of Caged By the Orc
"I came to congratulate you on your recent victories," she spits, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But I see you're too busy slumming it with the help." She gestures at me dismissively, as if I'm nothing more than a piece of furniture.
I flinch at her words, feeling them like a physical blow. But Sarod's grip on me only tightens, his large hand warm and reassuring against my waist. It gives me strength, even as my heart races.
"Watch your mouth," he snarls. He's only ever sounded this angry with Grokus, and that's saying a lot.
Connie laughs, a bitter sound that echoes through the garden. "Oh, please. You can't seriously tell me you've fallen for this... this trash?" She looks me up and down, her lips curled in a sneer. "What could she possibly offer you that I can't?"
Before Sarod can respond, I step forward, breaking free from his protective embrace. Anger burns in my chest, hot and fierce. "I'm right here, you know," I say, my voice steadier than I feel. "If you've got something to say, say it to my face."
Connie's eyes narrow, and she takes a step closer. I can smell her expensive perfume, see the flawless makeup on her face. But I stand my ground, lifting my chin defiantly.
"Fine," she hisses. "You're nothing but a cheap distraction. Sarod belongs with me. We're equals. You?" She looks me up and down again, her lip curling. "You're just some tavern girl he picked up to pass the time. You'll never fit into his world, and deep down, you know it."
Her words sting like venom, but I plant my feet firmly and lift my chin. "You don't know anything about us," I spit back, my voice quivering with barely contained rage. The nerve ofthis woman, to think she still has any semblance of control over Sarod.
"Us?" Connie scoffs, her perfectly manicured eyebrow arching in disdain. She turns to Sarod, and I watch as her entire demeanor shifts. Her voice softens, becoming silky and seductive. "Baby, come on. You've made your point. You've had your fun with this... distraction." Her eyes flick dismissively over me before locking back onto Sarod. "But it's time to come back to reality. To me. We were good together, weren't we? Think of all we could accomplish now, with your newfound fame. We'd be unstoppable."
My fingers dig into my palms, nails biting into flesh as I struggle to keep my composure. The pain grounds me, keeps me from lashing out and proving her right - that I'm just some uncouth tavern girl. But gods, it's tempting.
Sarod's arm around me is both a comfort and a challenge. I lean into him, silently daring Connie to try and come between us. But doubt gnaws at the edges of my mind. What if she's right? What if I am just a passing fancy for Sarod?
I watch him, my heart pounding. His jaw is clenched, muscles taut with tension. I can feel the heat radiating off him, smell the familiar musk of his skin.
"I'm not going to repeat myself, Connie. Get the fuck out. And watch your mouth around Josie. I've already fucked up an orc who disrespected her. And you're just a human. I can do worse shit to you," Sarod growls.
Connie's eyes widen, shock flashing across her face before she masks it with disdain. "You can't be serious, Sarod. This little... distraction... isn't worth throwing away what we had."
I feel Sarod's chest rumble as he lets out a mirthless laugh. "What we had? You mean the lies? The manipulation? The constant put-downs?"
His words send a thrill through me. Is this it? Is he finally confronting his past head-on?
Sarod takes a step forward, pulling me with him. "Josie isn't a distraction. She's everything you never were. Kind. Genuine. Strong."
My heart soars at his words, but I keep my eyes locked on Connie. Her perfect mask is slipping, revealing the hurt and anger beneath.
"You don't mean that," she hisses. "We were perfect together. Think of all we could accomplish now, with your fame. We could take on all of Tlouz! We could be the richest couple on this continent!"
"Fuck you and fuck that," he retorts angrily, waving her off with a hand. "I've had enough of your shit. Get out and don't even think about returning."
"Sarod, no! Wait!" Connie rushes forward, trying to grab at his arm. In doing so, she shoves at me and makes me stumble a few steps.
Fucking bitch.
Sarod sees that clearly. He swipes at her, sending her flying to the ground as she yells out. She grits her teeth and huffs angrily on the ground. Sarod takes me by the waist and holds me close.
"You're nothing to me, Connie," he says quietly. "So get the fuck out of my life."
Istand there, watching Connie sprawled on the ground, her face contorted with rage. Her words spew forth like venom, but they don't sting like they used to. They're just empty threats now, bouncing off my hardened exterior. She's listing off names, bragging about all the "better orcs" she's been with since our breakup. Each name she drops is like a pathetic attempt to wound me, but I feel nothing.
"You think I've been pining after you, Sarod? Ha!" she screeches, her eyes wild with fury. "I've had my pick of the strongest, most virile warriors in Orcland. They make you look like a pathetic little bitch!"
I feel Josie tense beside me, her small hand gripping my arm. The warmth of her touch is a stark contrast to the cold hatred radiating from Connie. But I don't react. Not a muscle twitches. Not a flicker of emotion crosses my face. I'm a stone wall, unmoved by Connie's pathetic display. Inside, though, I'm seething. Not because of her words, but because of how I once let this woman have power over me. Never again.
Connie's eyes narrow to slits, her gaze raking over me like claws searching for any weakness, any chink in my armor. She'sdesperate to see me bristle, to watch jealousy and anger flare in my eyes like it used to. But there's nothing there for her now. I'm a blank slate, impenetrable and unmoved.