Page 5 of Court of Aether and Shadows
Part smoke bomb, part hallucinogen.
I called it my Siren's Song.
Mixing chemicals and shit was always my thing. Maybe if I had the privilege to last in school and get a proper education, I would have become a scientist or chemist of the sort. Instead, Ienjoy the joys of illegal concoctions that can murder a crowd of villains in seconds.
That and my ability to sing like a canary singing the world to slumber seems to be helpful for situations like these.
"Cover your eyes and hold your breath," I whispered into the comm. "Canary's about to sing."
With a flick of my wrist, I sent the canister arcing through the air — enjoying that shimmering flicker of metallic blue and red; the glimmer catching the attention of only one of the plentiful guards.
The poor dude doesn’t have a chance to register what I’ve just unleashed in their little nest of protection. It hit the ground at Daniels' feet with a softping.
And let the chaos erupt…
Thick, purple smoke billowed out, mixing with miniature explosions of red and blue, and black to drown the space with a dense cloud of confusion. It fills the warehouse floor in seconds igniting shouts of confusion turned to screams of terror as the hallucinogen took hold.
Through the haze, I saw men swatting at invisible assailants, others curled into balls, whimpering.
I dropped from the catwalk, landing in a graceful roll. The smoke burned my eyes, but years of exposure had built up my tolerance. I moved through the confusion like a ghost, headed straight for Daniels.
The accountant was on his knees, blubbering incoherently. I grabbed him by the collar, hauling him to his feet.
"Time to go, sunshine," I growled. "You and I need to have a little chat."
A meaty hand clamped down on my shoulder. I reacted on instinct, driving my elbow back into a solid wall of muscle. The grip loosened just enough for me to spin, my fist connecting with a jaw that felt like it was made of concrete.
The mountain of a man staggered back, shaking his head like an enraged bull.
I didn't give him time to recover, launching into a flurry of strikes aimed at vulnerable points – throat, solar plexus, groin. He roared in pain and fury, swinging wildly, but missing rather poorly.
I end up ducking under a haymaker that would have taken my head off, using his momentum to flip him over my hip. He hit the ground with a satisfying thud, and I brought my boot down hard on his temple.
Lights out, big guy.
"A little help here!" Marco's panicked voice cut through the comms. "I'm pinned down!"
I swore under my breath.
Of course, the useless prick would need saving.
"On my way," I grunted, dragging a still-dazed Daniels with me.
The scene that greeted me was almost comical. Marco was cowering behind a stack of crates, taking potshots at three goons who had him surrounded.
His aim was shit, unsurprisingly.
I shoved Daniels unceremoniously into a corner.
"Stay," I ordered, as if he were a disobedient dog.Hopefully, he’ll behave if he knows what’s coming for him.Then I was moving, a blur of deadly grace.
The first goon went down with a knife between his ribs before he even knew I was there.Speed has always been my motto.The second spun to face me, only to catch my heel in a vicious roundhouse kick that sent him sprawling.
The third managed to get off a wild shot that grazed my arm before Liam materialized behind him, snapping his neck with brutal efficiency.
"Cutting it a bit close there, Darling," I quipped, ignoring the burning pain in my bicep.
Liam's eyes narrowed, taking in the blood seeping through my sleeve. "You're hit."