Page 1 of My Favorite Holidate
The thing about big Thanksgiving dinners is you can never be certain who’s playing with your foot under the table.
Sure, I’m hoping my boyfriend Brady’s the one dragging a foot against my fuzzy sock. That’d be better than Uncle Rick or my broody cousin Troy. But Brady’s never played footsie with me before. Fine by me. Footsie is not my jam. Didn’t think it was his either.
You learn something new every day, especially when you’ve only been dating for four months. Four mostly good months that have seen us spend lots of time with each other, each other’s families and each other’s friends.
I don’t want to encourage foot play, though, so I just give my guy a faint smile. Then I nod to the head of the table, a reminder for him to pay attention since my boss, the host of this motley crew feast, is clearing his throat.
Brady just wiggles his blond brows like he didn’t notice my silent admonition.
The footsie stops when Wilder lifts his tumbler of single-malt scotch, the glass catching the twinkling reflection of the blue-and-white string of lights flashing on the Christmas tree standing tall and proud in the open living room. “I want to thank you all for coming to this annual Thanksgiving dinner my dear aunt Bibi and I like to throw,” Wilder says, then gestures affectionately to a faux leather chair in the living room where Bibi is conked out, tortoiseshell glasses in her hand, snoring loudly in front of the roaring fireplace. “And for participating in her new tradition this year—the Turkey Escape Room,” Wilder says with an amused grin.
There’s a collective groan at the table. Bibi’s Turkey Escape Room in the basement was, admittedly, a little macabre.
“And now that we’re heading into the Christmas season, provided you have no prior commitments and want to join us, I’d like to personally invite everyone to the Evergreen Falls Annual Best in Snow Winter Games Competition for a few fun-filled days before Christmas.”
Iris, the perky blonde caterer sitting next to me, gasps in excitement. “Wow! That sounds amazing!”
It’s cute that she’s so into the festivities, especially since she only sat at the table a minute ago at Brady’s invitation. He insisted she join us for the toast, having done such a great job with the meal.
“Let’s do it,” Brady calls out with a loud whoop before he looks at me, fire in his eyes. “And we are going to dominate, babe.”
No surprise there. Brady and I are board game aficionados, and he has an intensely competitive streak.But I’m not sure we ought to be throwing down in front of the host. Wilder, a cool, confident, thoroughly unflappable football team owner and real estate magnate, might know a thing or two about winning. Also, I don’t even know if it works in my calendar to go to Evergreen Falls for Christmas. Or if I want to spend Christmas with my boss.
“I’m sure we’d have a great time at Wilder and Bibi’s event,” I say. That’s diplomatic yet still fun—but also hypothetical.
“Love a good contest,” Wilder says to Brady, his tone welcoming, except…
Is that Wilder’s media smile? Like he’s humoring Brady? I linger for a second on Wilder’s expression. Seems like he’s studying Brady, actually, trying to figure something out.
“As I was saying,” Wilder continues, his voice like rich brandy, “Bibi and I would love to host all of you for the games at my cabins outside of Tahoe.”
I smile at the euphemism. Calling his luxury resort just outside the fanciest area of Lake Tahoe a cabin is like calling a yacht a rowboat. Wilder has one of those too—a yacht—and the hundred-footer is definitely no dinghy.
Wilder must pick up on my amusement since he gives a no-big-deal shrug. “Technically, itisa cabin, Fable.”
Brady laughs boisterously. “Dude, I can’t wait to see yourtechnical cabin.”
I cringe a little inside. Did he seriously call my bossdude? Wilder’s not a dude or a bro.
I had doubts about bringing Brady along to this friendsgiving. He can be a bit of a Golden Retriever, sometimes—eagerly dropping the slobbery tennis ball into people’s laps whether it’s time for fetch or not. But thetable is full of friends and family, mine and his, and at least he hasn’t pitched my boss on the idea of being his stockbroker. So far, so good.
Wilder raises his glass in his snoozing aunt’s direction. “Bibi tells me the Christmas Committee at Evergreen Falls has planned some extra-fun events this year, so I hope you’ll all be there, full of holiday cheer and competitive spirit.” He takes a wry pause. “Though, I believe her words were, ahem,find the best snowball throwers and Christmas tree decorators in the bunch. Or else.”
His obvious affection for his aunt is endearing.
Iris must think so. She raises her wineglass high. “You’re all going to have such a great time. I love all things Christmas. I’m just a girl who’s ready for eggnog season.”
Brady sighs dreamily, as if picturing all things eggnog too. When…gross.
“Not me,” I say. “Eggnog should be abolished.”
Brady tilts his head my way. “You don’t like eggnog?”