Page 90 of Lost Prince
Piper was up first, congratulating us.
Lana was second. “Thank God. I don’t know if I could stand to be around this grump without you."
Elio, too, seemed happy and not concerned about what this meant for his business with Rinella.
“There’s one more thing,” Lazaro said. “We’re having a baby.”
“Already?” Lana quipped. “Seriously, did you forget how to use birth control?”
Lazaro cut her a glare, but it was mixed with love. “How else could I keep her if I didn't knock her up?”
Elio rolled his eyes.
"What is knock up?" Elysse asked.
"I'll tell you when you're thirty," Elio said.
Piper congratulated us and talked about how our babies would be close in age.
“We’ve got work to do to catch up,” Henry said to Lana, making her blush. A sight I’d never seen before.
Later, Lana had pulled me aside, telling me she knew Lazaro would want to marry me. She knew it the minute she realized how shattered he was when I’d left. She also apologized again for her behavior. I told her it was okay. After all, she did it to protect her brother. How could I hold that against her?
“Are you okay?” Piper’s voice brings me back to the present. She fusses with my hair while Lana touches up my makeup.Elysse twirls nearby in her flower girl dress. It still amazes me how quickly they've accepted me into the family.
“I’m perfect.”
"You look absolutely beautiful, Diana," Piper says warmly.
Lana nods in agreement. "Lazaro won't know what hit him."
I feel a rush of emotion, tears threatening to spill. "Thank you both, for everything. I never imagined I'd have sisters on my wedding day."
Lana squeezes my hand. "We're family now. Get used to it."
There's a knock at the door, and Elysse runs to open it. Matteo peeks in, grinning. "It's almost time, ladies. You ready to become a D'Amato, Diana?"
I nod, my heart racing with excitement and nerves. "More than ready."
We’re getting married at the mansion. It’s a little too cool to have the ceremony outside, but the home has a large room that is only used for large parties. It’s surrounded on three sides by tall windows that let in the sun.
As we make our way to the space, I’m still in awe at how I’ve arrived here, still wondering if it’s a dream. My life has changed immensely in such a short time, from a wandering soul to finding my home, my family, and the love of my life. Lazaro and I may have had a rocky start, but I've never been more certain of anything than I am of our love.
The music starts, and I take another deep breath.
“Ready?” Elio steps up next to me. He’s not that much older than me, and yet I feel a sense of his being fatherly. Or maybe an older brother. Either way, like Lazaro, he’s my protector because I’m his family too.
I nod. “More than ready.” I'm about to marry the man of my dreams, surrounded by the family I've always longed for and new friends I've made since joining the family. I step forward, ready to begin this new chapter, overwhelmed by love and joy.
As the music swells, we begin our walk down the aisle. Lazaro stands at the end looking so handsome, so sexy in his fitted dark suit. I want to run and jump his bones right here and now. I don’t think that’s just baby hormones talking, either. The man is the epitome of sexiness.
He smiles, his eyes filled with love, and maybe he thinks I’m sexy too. My eyes lock with Lazaro's, and the world falls away. He’s my center.
As we reach the altar, Elio places my hand in Lazaro's, giving us both a fond smile before taking his seat. Lazaro squeezes my hand, and I feel grounded, safe, loved.
The officiant begins the ceremony, but I barely hear the words. I'm lost in Lazaro's hazel eyes, in the promise of our future together.
When it's time for our vows, Lazaro speaks first, his voice thick with emotion. "Diana, you came into my life like a ray of sunshine, illuminating the darkness I didn't even know I was trapped in. You've helped me find the light in this world, showing me that I'm capable of love, of gentleness, of being more than the man I thought I was destined to be. With you, I've found peace, purpose… I love you."