Page 27 of Lost Prince
Anger surges at the dismissive way she speaks about Diana. But I take a deep breath, reminding myself that they’re my family. “I said I’m sorry.”
"If you're going to keep disappearing like this, I might just have to put a tracker on you," she threatens. "What's the point of giving you a phone if you're not going to use it?"
A tracker? What the fuck? Anger boils up inside me. I've been trying to be patient, to understand their concern, but suddenly, it's all too much.
"I've lost my memory, not my intelligence," I snap, my voice rising. "I don't need to be treated like a child."
Hurt flashes across Lana's face. I should feel guilty for lashing out, but right now, all I feel is frustration. They keep treating me like I'm broken, like I can't be trusted to make my own decisions. It's suffocating.
“I’ve lived three years without you harping on me or tracking me. Going where I wanted. Doing what I wanted, how I wanted. You’re not my parents, so leave me the fuck alone.”
Elio’s eyes narrow. The tension radiates off him in waves. A part of me wants to retreat, unsure of what he’s about to say or do.
"You clearly can't be trusted to make your own decisions!" Elio yells, jabbing a finger in my direction. "You used to think you were invincible, and then one day you had the brains beat out of you and woke up hundreds of miles from home with no clue who you even are!"
His words are like a slap across my face, reminding me of everything I've lost. The memories I can't access, the life I can't remember.
"Thanks for the reminder," I snap back, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Otherwise, I probably would have forgotten."
The room goes deathly quiet after my outburst. I see a mixture of shock and regret in my siblings. But I'm too angry to care. They don't understand what it's like to be me, to live in this constant state of confusion and frustration.
The rage grows, taking on energy. I clench my fists at my sides, fighting the urge to lash out physically. I want to break something.
Matteo's laughter suddenly cuts through the tension. We all turn to glare at him.
"What the hell is so funny?" I growl.
Matteo grins, shaking his head. "You're all far too similar for your own good. It wasn’t so long ago I stood here with Elio demanding to know where Lana was when she went AWOL. In fact, Lana, I recall you saying almost the exact same thing. That you're a big girl who can take care of yourself.”
Lana's face flushes red, her anger dissolving into embarrassment. Even Elio's stern expression softens a bit.
"And if I'm not mistaken," Matteo continues, turning to Elio, "You spent a night or two away yourself. I believe Lana chewed you out for that."
The atmosphere in the room shifts, the earlier tension dissipating. My own anger starts to ebb.
Lana clears her throat, trying to regain her composure. "That's… that's different.”
“Yeah, right.” Matteo laughs.
Lana’s expression softens. "I'm sorry, Lazaro. I don’t mean to be such a bitch?—”
“Yes, you do,” Elio quips, but it’s said with humor.
She smirks at him before turning her attention back to me. “The point is, I was so lost when you were gone. I'm terrified of losing you again.”
I feel like an asshole. Yes, she needs to give me some space, but I need to consider her side of the situation as well.
I step closer to her, reaching out to take her hand. "I'm sorry too. I wasn’t thinking how my actions would affect you all. I promise I'll do better."
Lana pulls me into a tight hug. I wrap my arms around her, feeling a surge of affection for this sister I barely know.
Suddenly, I feel another pair of arms encircling us. I look up to see Elio joining the hug, a softness in his eyes.
"Come on, Matteo," Elio calls out. "Get in here."
Matteo laughs, shaking his head. "You D'Amatos and your fucking drama.” He joins our group hug.
Embraced by my family, something shifts inside me. It's not a memory, exactly, but a feeling. A sense of belonging. A connection that goes beyond memories to something deeper. I’m a part of them and they’re a part of me.