Page 11 of Lost Prince
Ileave the kitchen, annoyed at Lana for ruining the nice moment I'd been having with Diana. Then there is guilt over Lana’s hurt expression… for what, I don’t know. I push it away. I can't deal with her expectations right now.
I find Elio and Matteo in Elio's office. They're huddled together, speaking in low voices. They look up as I enter, and Elio's expression softens.
He smiles. “Perfect timing. We’re about to head out to take care of business. We thought you might like to join us.”
I have no doubt they expect joining in on the family business will jar my memory. What the hell do I know? Maybe it will. Either way, I’m going stir crazy hanging out waiting for memories to return.
"It appears Tony’s been skimming and we need to handle it.”
My stomach clenches as I wonder what “handle it” means. "What exactly do you want me to do?"
Elio leans back in his chair, eyebrow raised. "Relax, Lazaro. We're not looking to break any kneecaps here."
“So… what, then?”
“We're just going to have a little chat with him. Remind him who he's dealing with. You don't have to do anything but tag along," Elio assures me.
Matteo snorts. "Just you walking in will have him shitting his pants."
I scowl at him, which only makes him laugh harder.
"There it is!" Matteo grins. "That's the look that'll make our little rat piss himself. Trust me, Lazaro, you won't have to say a word. Just stand there and glower."
I don’t like that I scare people just by being. But at least I’m not being asked to hurt the guy.
"So, when do we do this?" I ask.
"Now," Matteo says, standing up. "You ready for this, Cuz?"
I nod, even though I'm not sure I am. As we head out, I try to shirk off the feeling that I'm walking into something I don't fully understand. My whole life now is facing things I don’t understand.
Moments later, we're in the car. Matteo is driving while Elio rides shotgun, and I'm in the back seat. During the ride, I stare out the window at sights I feel like I’ve seen but don’t remember. Sort of like a déjà vu. Thoughts of Diana fill my head. Her smile, her easy laughter. She must know about the family and yet, it doesn’t seem to bother her.
We end up in an industrial area of town, pulling into a warehouse. We exit the vehicle, and I follow Elio and Matteo through an office area adjacent to the warehouse. I don’t recall ever being here, but the change in atmosphere from the people who are working suggests I’ve been here before. The activity grinds to a halt as every eye turns our way.
As we make our way toward an office, I catch snippets of hushed conversations.
"Shit, it's the D'Amatos."
"Is that… Lazaro?"
"I thought he was dead."
"Looks like the mad dog's back."
My stomach churns at their words. Mad dog? Is that what they call me?
Workers scramble out of our path, their eyes wide with fear, darting between us but always coming back to me. I see the terror in their faces, the way they hold their breath as we pass.
"Look at 'em scatter," Matteo chuckles, nudging me with his elbow. "Just like old times, eh?"
I grunt noncommittally, unable to share his amusement. This doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel like me.
I try to shake off the unease as we approach a small office at the back of the warehouse.
As if he recognizes my discomfort, Matteo throws an arm around my shoulders. "Cheer up. You've still got it! That's power, my friend."
I shrug off his arm, scowling. "I don't want people to fear me."