Page 39 of Room One Hundred and Five
I have no idea what Club G is, but William does and the terror in his face says it’s not a nice place to go.
I hold a hand up. “Wait.”
Luna, who has stayed quiet watching me with my men, grabs my hand.
“I’m okay. Your friend has him right?” I look at the man I suddenly want to get to know real well. If he’s my sister’s friend, he can be mine, too. Having a dude his size on your side is pure common sense.
“You can trust Big Red,” Luna confirms.
“He won’t lay another hand on you, Miss Moone. Never again.”
I come face to face with my assailant and ask a question I am not sure I want to know the answer to. But I have to know. Luna would want to know too.
“Did you kill our father, William?”
I keep my hands at my sides and hold the fucker’s gaze, unwavering. I refuse to give another ounce of fear to this man.
“I didn’t get that satisfaction. You were a payment for a job your father couldn’t complete. I had a buyer lined up to pay mega bucks for the legendary Moone princess’ virginity, too.”
When Big Red’s fist connects with William’s midriff, I don't take joy in his pain. But I don’t feel bad about it either. Big Red hauls a wheezing William over his shoulder.
Luna pulls me in for a hug and I gladly leave my ex for someone else to deal with. “My God, I told you to have some fun, find a little adventure and to get out of your writing cave. Not to take on all your demons at once. Damn, Stella.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Belladonna business.”
I can’t feel a single part of my body from the amount of adrenaline pumping through my veins. But I can hear the worry in her voice and I know when I come down from the rush, I’ll be shaking as much as she is right now.
But right this second I don't care about the bullet graze, broken glass under my feet or the fact that I am wearing literally nothing but a button down that is half ripped.
I tuck the flabby part under my arm to make sure I am not flashing any of the guards picking up the rest of William flunkies from where they lay.
“I would like to introduce you to my new friends.”
Stefan’s gruff voice sounds mortally wounded, but his smile is teasing when I turn and let him pull me into his arms.
“Luna, this is?—”
“—old work friends of mine.” My sister takes Stefan’s hand in hers, gives it a quick shake and then we are all blown away by what she does next. I’ve never ever known my sister to be anything but practical and very matter-a-fact. But right this second her tears match mine as she gives each of my lovers hugs.
“Thank you for protecting her when I couldn't.”
Luna moves back to me and slips her fingers through mine. “She’s all I have left in this world outside of my husbands. I can’t have anything happen to her. The job you needed me to do is done. As for the extra fee, let’s call ourselves even.”
“You never have to thank us for protecting the woman we love.”
Surprise hits me in the heart like an arrow doing one hundred miles an hour.
Stella, seven months later