Page 35 of Room One Hundred and Five
Arms come around me and I’m being moved. But not quickly enough.
The flash of a muzzle from my left causes my heart to stop. Blood blooms over my right shoulder to soak my borrowed shirt, leaving me breathless.
The smell of copper hits my nose. My stomach churns. My heart forgets how to work.
“William,” I choke out, holding up my hands as if they are bullet proof or something. Acid swirls and boils in my stomach. Adrian and Emilio move to cover me. Stefan turns into an octopus, wrapping me into his chest and holding me there. A wall of muscle cuts off my view and massive men fill my vision.
I’m too stuck on the fact that William has found me again and the bastard actually shot me this time to be anything more than a zombie for several heartbeats.
Don’t show you’re scared.
Never show him you're scared.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I push at the arms holding me down and the chest that comes over me like a shield.
My arm is on fire! I grit my teeth through the burn. Why can nothing ever be easy?
“William Brigh. You’re early.”
Adrian’s voice is muffled.
“Hawthorne thought it would be nice for me to arrive early. Make a good impression on our new clients and all. I agreed since I was already here.”
“I see.”
“No, you don’t. I saw you leave Club Sin with my property. I want her back.”
“Is that so?”
Why the fuck does Adrian sound like they are having a pleasant conversation here? Why isn’t he shooting him back?
Stefan pulls my hand away from my arm. “Let me see. Let me see.” He rips my shirt open, peeling back the sleeve. The relief in his expression tells me I’m not about to die, but it sure as hell feels like I could knock off with how much it hurts.
“Stefan?” Adrian puts himself between us and the lunatic walking off the elevator.
“Aww, did someone get hurt? Serves her right for giving away what belongs to me.”
One thought jumps to another when pain ricochets from my shoulder, to my spine and then back again. I’ve never felt like I am having my shoulder sawed off before and I highly do not recommend the experience.
I can’t seem to catch my breath for a second.
“In through your nose. Out through your mouth,” Stefan coaxes.
“Willam, you rat fucking bastard,” I seethe when I can finally think and breathe. White-hot flames consume my flesh. It hurts like a motherfucker.
“There you are, Stella Moone. Sorry I missed the back of your head. It would have made all this easier. You shouldn’t have let these fuckers dirty what belongs to me.”
Bile rises in the back of my throat. He’s psychotic to think I’m his.
“Yours?” My voice squeaks out. I fight against the massive weight holding me down. “Get off me, Stefan!” I refuse to hide like some coward. “I will never belong to you again! Never!” I bellow across the living room.
“Hold up, Stella. Damn. Stop fighting me.”