Page 27 of Room One Hundred and Five
Ilook around me to find myself cuddled between three massive men who all have some body part touching me. I came four more times before we finally fell into a heap of tired bodies.
Before sleep could take over, Adrian insisted on a shower. Only then could we all return to the bed. I stretch a foot and rotate my left shoulder a bit. Oh, yeah. Ouch. From the small aches, I don't think any of us have moved since.
Emilio’s hand rests over my belly. His fingers stretch wide and I can’t help but feel like his touch is possessive. Like he’s claiming me even while he sleeps. Adrian’s leg curls around mine and Stefan’s heartbeat is slow and steady where my head rests on his chest. He holds my hand in his in a way that silently pleads for me to stay.
So I do. But it’s not long before reality chisels away at the fantasy shared with these kind men. I slowly peel myself out of their hold and grab someone's discarded shirt off the back of a nearby chair. Warm carpet keeps my footsteps quiet as I pad my way over to the large window.
Rain hits the panes of glass and blurs the glow of light thirtysomething floors below. It’s staggering to think of how many lives change in the passing of a night here. Club Sin takes up several floors of this building and offers its members countless rooms. How many lives has this place touched? Who knows, but mine has, for sure.
It’s nearly surreal to think of how long it’s been since I let someone touch me intimately. Nearly two years now. William would have been my first. Goosebumps prickles over my skin as memories try to drag me down. He took so much from me.
Habit pulls my hand down and I skim my fingers over the scar.
But not everything. I’m still here. I'm alive. I’m tired of feeling helpless. The strength I found to stand my ground against him tonight nearly brought on a panic attack.
But you didn’t fall into a heap of uselessness,a voice in my head reminds me.
I stepped out of the tiny bubble I put myself in and lived for the first time in a very long time. Luna was right. I needed this to reconnect with the living again.
And man did I ace that in spades.
But all things must come to an end.
I slip my arms into my borrowed shirt, holding the material to my nose. Adrian’s. Funny how it’s only been a few hours and I already know his scent. Would I know Emilio’s? Or Stefan’s?
Hands down. Yes. I have zero doubt I could pick them out of a lineup blindfolded.
I wonder how much Luna paid for tonight. I have no way of repaying her for the experience.
Hm. Experience. I taste the vows and consonants. They feel dirty. I look over my shoulder at each of the men who took me into their arms and their bed tonight. What happened between us was more than an experience.
It was life altering.
Speaking of my sister. I find my clutch and quietly empty the contents out on the table.
“Hm. That's odd.” I look again, but nope. I can't find my cell phone. I can’t find Lavender’s either.
Shit. Okay then. My cell phone probably fell out of my clutch when I dropped it earlier in the lounge. It’s probably sitting under some table or stool.
I pull everything out. Lipstick, small wallet, a folded picture… but no phones.
It’s no big deal. I doubt Luna will be in the chatty mood this late into the evening, anyway. I’ll get my phone when I come up with a way to get out of here with my heart intact. I know the second I go for that door they will be all over me. One little please from them for me to stay is all it will take for my willpower to cave.
If I were any other woman, staying longer wouldn’t be an issue. But I’m not and I owe them the truth before they get too deep into thinking I can be their baby momma. Which opens a whole other can of questions I wish I could ask. Like, what’s the hurry and would they really breed a stranger?
But it comes down to being none of my business.
I hear rustling from behind and then a familiar body heat envelopes me. One of my lovers moves close enough for me to feel his energy tap into mine. Who? I don’t know yet. I’m still learning how to differentiate between them in that regard.
My gaze raises to meet the reflection closing in behind me. Beautiful blue eyes lock with my green ones like I am the moon in his world. I am, I guess and that brings a smile to my lips.
“Miss me?”
Hot liquid slips from my channel at the same time his arm comes around my midriff and his large hand settles over my quivering stomach. One press, and my ass is against his hard length.
“Hmm. You tell me.”