Page 89 of The Predator
"A stack of paperwork, my favorite thing."
This earns me a little swat on the hip, which the puppy immediately jumps into thinking we’re playing. I scan over the paperwork, skimming the text to be sure that what I’m reading is really real. "An animal shelter, Sebastian? That’s not a present.”
"It’s yours. You can deal with it yourself, or focus on school and the baby and hire people to handle it until you are ready."
Tears burn my eyes, and I stare up at the ceiling to try and drive them away.
He levers himself beside me, scooting closer. "Are you okay? I didn’t mean to upset you. If you don’t want it you can sell it.” There's an edge of panic to his tone that I don't think I've ever heard before.
"No, I love it. It's ok. I promise. I'm just overwhelmed."
This time he drags me into his lap, ignoring Osiris as he thinks we are playing. "You mean the world to me, Ely. And I intend to spend my life showing you in every single way I can how much you mean to me."
I kiss him gently. "You already do. All I need is you."
When he kisses me back, it's hotter, darker, deeper, and he shows me again and again how much he loves me with his body, his mouth, his teeth, his hands, and his words.
I've never felt safer in my life.
Six Months Later
Acrash in the closet makes me rush out of the bathroom to check on Ely. I find her standing in the middle of the closet, clothes circling her in a ring on the floor, a pair of shoes by the entrance. "Ely?"
She spares me a glance but then shuffles through her clothes again. "I don't have anything to wear. Nothing freaking fits me anymore."
I skim my gaze down her rounded belly poking out of the silk robe she's wearing. "Well, you’re growing a baby inside of you. That's to be expected."
She pins me with a look that almost—almost makes me want to take a step back. "Are you calling me fat?"
I step over the shoes and enter the war zone coming to stand beside her. "Of course not. I'm just saying our baby has grown a lot in the last month and now we have to adjust, at least until she arrives. Do you want me to order you something to wear?"
She shakes her head with a huff. "No, it's a waste of money when I won't be able to wear it very long. I'll put on one of my flowy dresses. It won't be as formal as what everyone else is wearing, but I can wear flats with it, and that is important."
I nibble her earlobe and cup her round belly gently. "You can wear anything you want. I'll proudly lead you into the graduation party in whatever you choose. If anyone has something to say they can deal with me."
She leans up and kisses me, turning so she can press into my chest. With every month that passes she spends more and more time climbing onto my lap to take her pleasure when she feels it riding her hard. Her fingers skim down my shirt buttons, and I catch her fingers.
"As much as I would love to take you to bed right now, we are already late, and I don't feel like dealing with Lee's bitching when we arrive even later."
She huffs then falls from her tiptoes down to her heels and turns to face the clothes again. "Fine. Then get out so I can find something to wear in peace."
I leave the closet and head back into the bathroom to finish my tie and grab my jacket off the hanger near the door. I slip it on carefully, button up, and exit in time to find Ely standing outside the closet donning a pair of diamond earrings. She looks amazing in a floor length, sequined gown that cinches just above her rounded belly and flows out around her feet in a champagne bell shape. "Beautiful."
She drops her eyes as a pink flush washes up her neck. I love that I can still make her blush for me. After she slips into a pair of flats by the bed and grabs a small handbag that matches her dress, we head down to the car that’s already waiting for us out front. A driver steps out and opens the door for Ely to slip in while I go around to the other side of the vehicle and slide into the backseat beside my wife.
The Mill's graduation party is always a semi-formal affair, and the most expensive party the club throws every year.
Ely shifts beside me, the black leather creaking beneath her with each movement. I grab her hand and tuck it against my lap. "You okay?"
She nods but continues to stare out the window. "Yeah, fine. Bel has been texting me for twenty minutes asking where we are. I wasn't about to tell her we're late because you decided we needed to have sex for the third time today."
I press my hand to my chest in mock affront. "What? Me? You think I'm the one dragging you off to fuck every five minutes. I hate to break it to you, Little Prey, but that is all you."
She ducks her chin and scans the passing scenery out the window. "I guess I have been a little...needy lately. The doctor says it's because of the baby hormones. It's supposedly normal."