Page 72 of The Predator
“Okay, dad….” Lee mocks with a frown.
“Such a buzzkill, man,” Aries shakes his head.
I notice Ely shifting on the stool like she’s uncomfortable. I can understand why she feels this way, and if I could pull the plan off without including her in it I would, but I can’t. Which means I’ll have to help her through the process and find ways to ease the fear and anxiety she has. I think I have the perfect plan for that.
Addressing the room, I say, "For this to work, we will need to act as a team, with each person doing their part. First step is for Drew and Bel. I need both of you to go to the Mill. Start a party, big enough that the police get called.”
Lee grumbles,. "Uh, I can do that; why are you asking them to do it?"
"They’ll start the party. You’ll ensure it gets the publicity it needs. Think you can make some calls and get the press there?”
Lee smiles. "Is that even a question? I’m a professional at fucking things up. I've got a friend on speed dial who will draw some cameras. I'll just take him out to dinner. Piss my family off in the process."
"Okay, good. Then the three of you sneak away, making sure no one notices and get back here. The point of it is we want the Sheriff thinking Ely is here alone, and unprotected. I'll also be making a big show of leaving. If he agrees to come to the house we know he’ll be watching the place, and want to make certain I’m gone before his arrival. I’ll sneak back in without anyone noticing.”
Ely reaches for the coffee mug, but I tug it closer to me with a raised eyebrow. "I don’t know if you need any more coffee. You’re anxious as it is.”
Bel snatches the mug from me and hands it to Ely. "You're not her keeper. If she's anxious, give her a Xanax like a normal person. Don't withhold the goods."
I can't help but smile. Bel has been a firecracker since she and Drew got together, and I kind of love her all the more for it.
“We can have the meeting take place in the den. I’ll have Ely get in touch with her father, and set everything up for tonight. We’ll wait until he’s inside the room before we ambush him.”
“Got it!” Drew nods.
“But first,” I say to Ely, ignoring Bel's glare, "I made some plans for just us tonight. Once we get back, I'll make a show of leaving. Anything you want to do in the meantime?"
She shakes her head. "I don't know..."
Bel stands and drags Ely off the stool. "Come on, why don't we go for a walk? Mr. Broody over here can take us over to the Mill," she hikes her thumb at Drew, "we can hike the property,and he can follow us. It'll give us a chance to talk; plus fresh air always helps expel anxiety."
I almost want to volunteer to come with, but maybe Ely needs this. A little bit of time to talk to her friend, to move her body. She hasn't been running or even walking as much as she used to with the danger and kidnapping that took place. This is good for her.
Ely looks from me to Bel. “I mean, a walk would be nice. I’m getting a little claustrophobic with all of you here.”
“Same. Go get a coat and put some jeans on. It’s cold outside.” Bel exclaims.
I take a small sip of coffee and watch as she climbs off the stool and goes to get some warmer clothes on. Soon there won’t be anyone for her to fear. All the monsters she’s spent her entire life running from will be dead, and she’ll finally be free.
“Has it hit her yet that her father is going to die?” Drew asks.
I shrug, “I think so. She knows there isn’t any other option. It's either we kill him or deal with his scheming for the rest of our lives, and she knows I’m not going to let her go through that. I can handle it, but Ely can’t; nor should she have to. She deserves to be happy, and as unfortunate as it might be, the only way for her totrulybe happy is if he’s gone.”
“Sometimes you’ve got to cut the toxic out so it doesn’t eat away at all the good. Otherwise you’ll be left with nothing but bones,” Lee interjects.
“That’s pretty deep.” I nod. “Almost like you’ve experienced this shit yourself.”
“I’ve got a little experience.” Lee smiles and shows me with two fingers how much experience he has. Ely walks into the kitchen then, and my full attention locks on her. I can’t help but smile at her presence. She’s the light I never knew I needed in my life, and fuck, am I grateful to have her by my side. She looks adorable bundled up in a jacket with a knit cap on her head.
“Ready to go?” I quip.
“I think so.” She smiles, her green eyes a little brighter.
“Let's go get some fresh air, and then when we get back to the Mill we can have some hot chocolate.” Bel says, hopping off the stool.
“Oh, that sounds good.” Elyse beams back at her.
“See you guys later.” Bel waves as she takes Ely by the arm and guides her out the back door.