Page 7 of The Predator
"Answer me," he snaps.
I shake and shiver again at the tone of his voice. I knowthatone more than ever. More sweat slips down my face, and fear tightens deep in my gut.
"Because you always hurt me when I don't give you what you want."
He leans in and whispers against my mouth. "And see, this is why you always end up hurt…not because I want to hurt you. I don’t, baby…not at all. But because you don’t think about things before you do them, you end up hurt. If you don’t want to be hurt, then all you have to do is listen. Do as you’re told, and you’ll be fine. I’ve said that a million times, haven’t I?”
It’s not that easy, but I don’t tell him that.
“I’ve always done as I’m told. It’s when I don’t do what you want that you hurt me.”
A sinister smile appears on his lips, “Then do what I want.”
I grit my teeth, biting back a retort I know will get my teeth sent through my brain. “And what do you want?"
My response only makes him smile wider. "You, my little dove. Just you. And now that I have you, I'm going to take what I've wanted for years. It doesn’t matter to me if that asshole little boy had you first. Once he’s dead it won’t matter, anyway. All that will matter is who gets to be the last person to fuck all your tight holes, and that person is me.”
His words splinter through me, making my stomach roll, bile climbing up my throat.Shit.I think I’m going to vomit. God, I hope not. I can’t. Not right now. Leaning in closer, I fold my lips together to try and stifle the nausea.
"Nothing to say?”
All I can do is shake my head, tears clinging to my eyes, my stomach aching, threatening to spill out my disgust.
He continues. “That’s fine by me. I don’t need you to speak, not for what I plan to do.”
Standing once more, he reaches to undo his belt, and I squeeze my eyes closed, contemplating my next move as the sound ripples through me. I have to do something, anything. Opening my eyes again, I watch as he tugs the leather through the loops of his jeans with a sibilant hiss and then tosses it behind him onto the bed.
Breathe. But breathing isn’t going to stop him from hurting me. It isn’t going to protect me from the inevitable. Bile climbs up my throat, inching closer and closer to its escape, and when he grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it over his head, the filth inside me comes pouring out.
My gut heaves, and I double over, watching in horror as vomit splashes against the floor, my bare feet, and his boots.Oh god. He’s going to kill me.
"Fuck!" He curses and stumbles back into the dresser behind him. "What the fuck?"
I should tell him I’m sorry, that I didn’t mean to vomit, but I don’t. It’s pointless, anyway. I wipe at my mouth with the back of my hand and then wrap my arms around my middle.
"I… I don’t feel good.”
Grabbing onto my chin, he levers it up, forcing me to look at him. "I don’t really give a shit. I’ve waited long enough. We’re doing this now.”
Tears slip from my eyes and trail down my cheeks onto his fingers. "Please…please don’t do this.”
"Is this for real? Are you really begging me right now?” He sounds shocked, flabbergasted. “I thought you were stronger than this. What happened to you? Since when are you afraid of a little pain? We’ve barely started, and the tears are already falling? Come on, Ely. You can do better than this pathetic mewling. Give it a little feeling, dove. Come on...beg for me. It won’t change shit, but I love the way you look when you’re crying”
I'm shaking now, cradling my face and bawling. There's no way I can go through this again, not when it seemed like I had safety within my grasp. Like I was going to be free of this asshole and this life once and for all.
"What if I fuck that pretty little mouth of yours? Are you going to vomit on me?”
My stomach clenches so tightly, I throw up in my mouth a little again.
“I told you I don’t feel good…” I tell him, my voice cracking.
In an instant everything changes, and suddenly I’m ripped off the chair by the hair at the nape of my neck. My legs are jelly and barely hold my weight as pain shoots through me, shredding me from the inside out. It’s only seconds that he’s touching me, but it feels like an eternity. The world spins around me, and I stumble over my feet.
“Please…please don’t.” I beg, even though it’s pointless.
“Next time I open this door it will be to fuck you, and no amount of vomit or tears will change that. Figure it the fuck out, Ely, or I’ll do it for you, and we both know you won’t enjoy that.” It’s the promise of what’s to come.
Through blurry eyes, I try to grab more details of the room as he opens a door. His touch disappears when he releases me with a hard shove, ripping Sebastian’s shirt almost all the way off in the process. Disoriented and off balance, I crash into the wall, and even as I try like hell to stay upright my exhausted body refuses, and I topple over onto the floor.